On Thursday, August 9, 2001, at 02:03 AM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> You should be able to do matching rules like "*/project" and
> "*/project/a" to match these patterns no matter how deeply nested they
> are.  If not, there's a hot-off-the-presses feature (checked in a couple
> of days ago) that lets you define your own matching policy.

hi jason

i've had a quick look at alexandria and i'd say that you should be ok.

just to let you know i have been developing an extension to the standard 
matching policy which should allow more efficient and concise rule 
definitions for complex schema. (hopeful it'll make generating digester 
rules easier :)
it's working now but the code's fairly involved and i won't be submitted 
it until it's well tested. if you do find that the alexandria stuff is 
providing a little tricky to do with the standard rules then i could send 
you a copy.

- robert

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