According to the PIC12F1572 datasheet, rising edge IOC can be detected by
enabling edge detection on input pins (IOCAPx or IOCANx)
and reading the IOC flag (IOCAFx) or the INTCON_IOCIF, then clearing the
flag for the next IOC detection.
Seems it does not work.  Any ideas?  Thx.

include 12lf1572                     -- target PICmicro
-- This program uses the internal oscillator at 4 MHz.
pragma target clock    32_000_000       -- oscillator frequency
pragma target OSC      INTOSC_NOCLKOUT           -- internal oscillator
pragma target PLLEN    DISABLED                  -- PLL off
pragma target CLKOUTEN DISABLED                  -- no clock output
pragma target WDT      DISABLED                  -- watchdog
pragma target BROWNOUT ENABLED                  -- brownout reset
pragma target LVP      DISABLED                  -- no low voltage
pragma target MCLR     INTERNAL                  -- internal reset
OSCCON_SCS = 0                      -- select primary oscillator
OSCCON_IRCF = 0b1110                -- 8 MHz
OSCCON_SPLLEN = ENABLED             -- 4x PLL: 8 -> 32 MHz
enable_digital_io()                 -- make all pins digital I/O

include delay

alias pin_RDY_IN is pin_A0
alias pin_RDY_IN_direction is pin_A0_direction
pin_RDY_IN_direction = input

alias pin_RDY_OUT is pin_A5
alias pin_RDY_OUT_direction is pin_A5_direction
pin_RDY_OUT_direction = output
pin_RDY_OUT = low

WPUA_WPUA0 = 0 ; pull-up disabled on RA0

-- main program
INTCON_GIE = high   ; not necessary without interrupt routine
INTCON_IOCIE = high ; enable interrupt on change, not necessary without
interrupt routine
IOCAP_IOCAP0 = high ; enable positive edge interrupt on change on RDY_IN

forever loop

; if INTCON_IOCIF  then
  if IOCAF_IOCAF0  then  ; a positive edge interrupt on change on RDY_IN
    pin_RDY_OUT = high
    delay_1mS (20)
    pin_RDY_OUT = low
    IOCAF_IOCAF0 = low    ; clear IOCAF0 flag
;    INTCON_IOCIF = low
 else ; no interrupt occured
    pin_RDY_OUT = low
 end if

end loop

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