Hi Vasili,

On 01/10/2021 13.11, vsurducan wrote:
Hi Rob and Rob, :)
I've tried with or without ISR, with AND IOCAP reset or normal IOCAP reset. This IOC is erratic and has a lot of latency. The RDY_IN signal is 20ms square 50% duty cycle, the RDY_OUT signal has a latency most of the time...but sometimes has a 20mS pulse as it should.

I'm using IOC for quadrature encoders on the wheels of an RC vehicle for navigation. With higher speeds the interrupt frequency is significantly higher then once per 20ms. Nevertheless this seems to work quite well (but latency is not a real issue).

Below my test with a 12F1572 and modified version of your program on a little board with LEDs on pins A0, A1 and A2. The IOC of RDY_IN is handled by an interrupt routine. Both rising and falling edge interrupts are activated and RDY_OUT (in my setup on pin_A2)  is controlled in the ISR as well. The input signal for RDY_IN is generated in the forever loop on pin_A1. When connecting pin_A0 with pin_A1  RDY_OUT is following RDY_IN neatly (visual observation shows all 3 LEDs blinking synchronously).

Hopefully this is of some help to solve your issue.

Regards, Rob.

alias pin_RDY_IN is pin_A0
alias pin_RDY_IN_direction is pin_A0_direction
pin_RDY_IN_direction = input
WPUA_WPUA0 = 0 ; pull-up disabled on RA0

alias pin_RDY_OUT is pin_A2
alias pin_RDY_OUT_direction is pin_A2_direction
pin_RDY_OUT_direction = output
pin_RDY_OUT = low

alias pin_TRIGGER is pin_A1
pin_A1_direction = OUTPUT
pin_TRIGGER = low

-- main program

INTCON_IOCIE = high     -- enable IOC interrupts
IOCAP_IOCAP0 = high     -- enable positive edge interrupts RDY_IN
IOCAN_IOCAN0 = high     -- enable negative edge interrupts RDY_IN

procedure IOC() is
    pragma interrupt
    if INTCON_IOCIF then                -- IOC interrupt
        if IOCAF_IOCAF0 then            -- edge interrupt on RDY_IN
            if pin_RDY_IN then          -- was a positive edge
                pin_RDY_OUT = high
            else                        -- negative edge
                pin_RDY_OUT = low
            end if
            IOCAF = IOCAF & 0xFE        -- clear IOCAF0
        end if
        INTCON_IOCIF = 0                -- reset IOC interrupt flag
    end if
end procedure

forever loop
    pin_TRIGGER = high
    pin_TRIGGER = low
end loop

*Rob H*amerling, Vianen, NL

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