James 2.0a3 - recompiled and running
setup MSSQL for mail boxes

all is working more or less okay.

SQL crashed - 6 hours later James' JVM died.

Hmm ....  was anything lost ??

tested :

stopped SQL
sendmailserverONE sent msg to James; received an OK from James
hm....  where did it go ??

started SQL and a reset of James was necessary. it appears that the spool we
lost or that the mail was processed positively but it wasn't able to deliver to
the pop3 mailbox.

is this a James issue or my inability to properly configure the necessary

this is what i have -

        <!--  Processor CONFIGURATION SAMPLE: transport is a sample custom
        processor for local or remote delivery -->
        <processor name="transport">
          <!-- Is the recipient is for a local account, deliver it locally -->
          <mailet match="RecipientIsLocal" class="LocalDelivery">

          <!-- If the host is handled by this server and it did not get
          locally delivered,  this is an invalid recipient
          <mailet match="HostIsLocal" class="ToProcessor">
          </mailet>  but we kill this shit ... -->
          <mailet match="HostIsLocal" class="Null">

and by looking at it i see the error of my ways..

in any case, the question is : if the local recipient is not available because
the mailbox is down, shouldn't we sent back a rejection ??  or is that me again
with the inability to properly set this puppy up ?? :->


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