> > The internals of James models the desired architecture.  The issue
> > concerning you is that the current implementation does it in a single
> > process.  That is at least partially addressable with no change to the
> > architecture, minimal (if any) change to the implementation, and some
> > changes to configuration files.

> I don't see why you couldn't run multiple instances of James each only
> configured to provide one service (SMTP, SPOOL, POP etc) as it stands
> using shared repositories.


> I think it is probably just a configuration excercise (nightmare?).

Pretty much.  :-)  I think might best be a tweak to the spooler, since it
would no longer be getting a notify() from the SMTP handler.  And both James
(the class) and dnsserver would be shared, since they provide services to

> The problem is probably as simple as working out how to define more than
> one $PHOENIX_HOME for start/stop scripts

I admit that doing that is not my highest priority right now.  We've got a
lot of nice new contributions that need to be merged.  But Stefano and Pier
have raised excellent points, which should be addressed.  If anything, they
validate James' architecture.

        --- Noel

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