
> > javax.mail.internet.ParseException: Out of data at position 26
> no @ presumably.. can james handle a quoted local part
> without an @ is the question.
> d.

Well MailAddress expects an @, hence the exception. My feeling is that James
should be agnostic to originator addresses and propogate them as is. I
haven't had time to examine the code, let alone test, to understand the
impact of this.

>> I agree James should be handling this as a quoted local part with no host
or domain part.
>> i.e. "nlt: Mail Administrator"@localhost

Why should @localhost be a valid default? We simply do not know what the
domain is, so no default is safe.
This is only one example of an infinite number of possible malformed
originator addresses. James needs a rule that says how to deal with them.

Once the rule is agreed, any code modifications should be relatively
straight forward.

-- Steve

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