Hi all,
The article "The Volano Report: Which Java platform is fastest, most
scalable? A JavaWorld exclusive" at
http://www.javaworld.com/jw-03-1999/jw-03-volanomark.html?022399txt ) states
that under Linux, both TowerJ and the Blackdown JVM are limited to 247
concurrent connections per JVM.

It says:
"TowerJ and the Blackdown Java-Linux port were unable to break past the
Linux kernel's default limit of 256 file descriptors per process. For my
previous VolanoMark article, I rebuilt the Linux kernel to allow up to 1,024
file descriptors per process only to discover that neither TowerJ 2.1.2 nor
Blackdown JDK 1.1.6 took advantage of the change. The new Linux version 2.2
kernel should provide some relief in this area"

When we hit the limit, we will get the following error:
Failed with "java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument

My idea to get around the problem is to run multiple JVMs on the same
machine, using the new load balancing feature to toggle among them.  I am
not expert on this stuff, so I have several conjectures, which I hope will
turn out to be true:

* each JVM will be able to handle 247 concurrent connections.

* a great side benefit is that the separate JVMs should be able to take
advantage of multiple processors (I have a dual Pentium box with lots of

And this should be true even if using green threads in each individual JVM.
Essentially, each JVM "multiplexes" its green threads through one processor,
but each JVM can be assigned to >1 processor simultaneously.

Until Jserv gets thread pooling, this is the only way I know to take
advantage of multiple processors without incurring the overhead of native

* The Jserv running under each JVM will have to listen on a different port,
so it will be configured with ApJServerMount directive that overrides

I still have not gotten into the detail of the load balancing configuration
(it's in the mail list archives somewhere) so I cannot give examples yet.

Has anyone attempted this before.  Is there something that I missing?  I
would love some comments before actually configuring this.  In return, I
will report back my experiences.  Thank you.
Jorge Bracer
Infoneers, Inc.

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