Jorge Bracer wrote:
> Hi all,
> The article "The Volano Report: Which Java platform is fastest, most
> scalable? A JavaWorld exclusive" at
> ) states
> that under Linux, both TowerJ and the Blackdown JVM are limited to 247
> concurrent connections per JVM.
> It says:
> "TowerJ and the Blackdown Java-Linux port were unable to break past the
> Linux kernel's default limit of 256 file descriptors per process. For my
> previous VolanoMark article, I rebuilt the Linux kernel to allow up to 1,024
> file descriptors per process only to discover that neither TowerJ 2.1.2 nor
> Blackdown JDK 1.1.6 took advantage of the change. The new Linux version 2.2
> kernel should provide some relief in this area"
> When we hit the limit, we will get the following error:
> Failed with " Invalid argument
Yes, that's a big limit under Linux, currently... I think that the
problem resides in the way Blackdown compiles its JVM. In fact, if the
compilation is done on a kernel not supporting 1024 file descriptors,
then, even if you re-compile the kernel, the JVM binary, compiled w/ 256
file descriptors support, will not get the "improvement".

> My idea to get around the problem is to run multiple JVMs on the same
> machine, using the new load balancing feature to toggle among them.  I am
> not expert on this stuff, so I have several conjectures, which I hope will
> turn out to be true:
> ...
> Has anyone attempted this before.  Is there something that I missing?  I
> would love some comments before actually configuring this.  In return, I
> will report back my experiences.  Thank you.
> Jorge Bracer
> Infoneers, Inc.
Yes, the thing could be handled this way, in a perfect manner, and I
really appreciate your input.
I think that also w/ native threads support the thing is not going to
change, since file descriptors are inherited by other processes and
shared between all different threads (if thread-A opens a new file
descriptor, this should be opened also by thread-B, C .... so the limit
should remain).
Load balancing should be the only soultion, until Blackdown does not
start compiling JVMs also w/ 1024 file descriptors support...

The limit of 1024 file descriptors, anyway, IMHO, seems ridicolous in
any case, I'm just thinkingg to a multithreaded web server, running on a
heavy loded machine... How much is it on a solaris box????


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