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> How have you used JMeter? I tried it today, but I dont find it very
> accurate. It appears to show nothing more than the number of pages per
> second, or the ms reading of when teh pages are returned. Does it do
> anything else?

I think that's all it was intended for.  Nothing fancy, just a simple
'stress test'.  It has been noted on several occasions by the JServ folks
that it is NOT a benchmarking tool.  AFAIK, it does not do anything else.

> Is there any way to know that the page its hitting is really
> being hit?

Check the web server logs.

>Can I direct it to log in, etc.

Not that I know of.

In trying to found out how fast the Apache/JServ/MyApp combo is, I have
found that JMeter is merely for stress testing, because I do not have enough
hardware for the Java overhead of JMeter to really stress the web server
out.  I recently installed redhat 6.0, and ab (apache benchmark), which
comes with apache on Unix variants, is much better at pounding the pavement.

I am still on a quest to find a web-load, stress-testing tool that allows
cookies, can be directed to log in, go through my application with random
data entry/selection, and do it well, all without costing as much as a new
Mercedes.  As you can see, I have not yet found it.


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