In java, call a synchronized function in a synchronized block, if they have
the same mutex object, nothing will happen.
If they have different mutex objects, something may be screwed up.

On 5/10/06, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yueyu Lin,

Your patch below looks suspiciously like the double-checked locking
anti-pattern, and is not guaranteed to work.
There really isn't a way to safely lazily initialize without using
synchronized or volatile.

-Yonik Solr, the open-source Lucene search

On 5/9/06, yueyu lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, the modification is still synchronized and the first thread will be
> responsible for reading first. And then other threads will not read and
> synchronization is unnecessary.
> private void ensureIndexIsRead() throws IOException {
>     if (indexTerms != null)                       // index already read
>       return;                                     // do nothing
>     synchronized(this){
>         System.out.println("Read [EMAIL PROTECTED]@");
>         if(indexTerms != null){
>             System.out.println ("Someone read it.return-_-");
>             return ;
>         }
>         readIndex ();
>     }
>   }
>   private synchronized void readIndex() throws IOException{
>       Term[] m_indexTerms = null;
>       try {
>           int indexSize = (int)indexEnum.size;        // otherwise read
> index
>           m_indexTerms = new Term[indexSize];
>           indexInfos = new TermInfo[indexSize];
>           indexPointers = new long[indexSize];
>           for (int i = 0;; i++) {
>             m_indexTerms[i] = indexEnum.term();
>             indexInfos[i] = indexEnum.termInfo();
>             indexPointers[i] = indexEnum.indexPointer;
>           }
>         } finally {
>             indexEnum.close();
>             indexEnum = null;
>             indexTerms = m_indexTerms;
>         }
>   }
> That's a small trick I learned when I was developing a busy stock
> If the method ensureIndexIsRead() is synchronized, it will be blocked
for a
> while, although even 2 lines codes.

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Yueyu Lin

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