
> testBarelyCloseEnough(), testExact(), testMulipleTerms(), 
> etc?  If so, then the NUnit is not doing this.  I tested by 
> outputing to stdout.

NUnit calls setUp before each test and calls tearDown after each test.
Add Console.WriteLine and see the result.

Let me show:
        public class TestPhraseQuery    {
                protected void SetUp()          {
                        directory = new RAMDirectory();
                        IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, new
WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true);
                        Console.WriteLine("set up");

                protected void TearDown()               {
                        searcher.Close(); directory.Close();
                        Console.WriteLine("tear down");

                public void TestNotCloseEnough()  {
                        MockAssert.AreEqual(0, hits.Length());
                        Console.WriteLine("not close");
The output:
set up
tear down

set up
tear down

Pasha Bizhan

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