On Monday 10 December 2007 09:15:12 Paul Elschot wrote:
> The current TopDocCollector only allocates a ScoreDoc when the given
> score causes a new ScoreDoc to be added into the queue, but it does

I actually wrote my own HitCollector and now wonder about TopDocCollector:

  public void collect(int doc, float score) {
    if (score > 0.0f) {
      if (hq.size() < numHits || score >= minScore) {
        hq.insert(new ScoreDoc(doc, score));
        minScore = ((ScoreDoc)hq.top()).score; // maintain minScore

1) How can there be hits with score=0.0?
2) I don't understand minScore: inserts only document having a higher score 
than the lowest score already in queue?

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