Hi Grant,

I think the way to integrate with SOLR and Lucene is if people who are
committers to the respective projects work with me (if they want) on
the integration which will make it fairly straightforward as it was
designed and intended to be.


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 6, 2008, at 4:36 AM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
>> Regarding real-time search and Solr, my feeling is the focus should be on
>> first adding real-time search to Lucene, and then we'll figure out how to
>> incorporate that into Solr later.
>> I've read Jason's Wiki as well.  Actually, I had to read it a number of
>> times to understand bits and pieces of it.  I have to admit there is still
>> some fuzziness about the whole things in my head - is "Ocean" something that
>> already works, a separate project on googlecode.com?  I think so.  If so,
>> and if you are working on getting it integrated into Lucene, would it make
>> it less confusing to just refer to it as "real-time search", so there is no
>> confusion?
>> If this is to be initially integrated into Lucene, why are things like
>> replication, crowding/field collapsing, locallucene, name service, tag
>> index, etc. all mentioned there on the Wiki and bundled with description of
>> how real-time search works and is to be implemented?  I suppose mentioning
>> replication kind-of makes sense because the replication approach is closely
>> tied to real-time search - all query nodes need to see index changes fast.
>>  But Lucene itself offers no replication mechanism, so maybe the replication
>> is something to figure out separately, say on the Solr level, later on "once
>> we get there".  I think even just the essential real-time search requires
>> substantial changes to Lucene (I remember seeing large patches in JIRA),
>> which makes it hard to digest, understand, comment on, and ultimately commit
>> (hence the luke warm response, I think).  Bringing other non-essential
>> elements into discussion at the same time makes it more difficult to
>> process all this new stuff, at least for me.  Am I the only one who finds
>> this hard?
> Yeah, I agree.  There's a place for RT search in Lucene, but it seems to me
> we have a pretty good search server in Solr that needs some things going
> forward, but are reasonable to work on there.  It makes sense to me not to
> duplicate efforts on all of those fronts and have two projects/communities
> that share > 80-90% of their functionality (either existing, or planned).
>  As Yonik says, it may take longer than just doing it by oneself, but in the
> long run, the outcome is usually better.
> My two cents,
> Grant
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