I don't think that is the case. You will have single deletion neighborhood. The number of unique terms in the field is going to be the union of the deletion dictionaries of each source term.

For example, given the following documents A which have field 'X' with value best, and document B with value jest (and k == 1).

A will generate est bst, bet, bes, B will generate est, jest, jst, jes

so field FieldXFuzzy contains (est:AB,bst:A,bet:A,bes:A,jest:B,jst:B,jes)

I don't think the storage requirement is any greater doing it this way.

3.2.1 Indexing
For all words in a dictionary, and a given number of edit operations k, FastSS generates all variant spellings recursively and save them as tuples of type vā€² āˆˆ Ud (v, k) ā†’ (v, x) where v is a dictionary word and x a list of deletion

Theorem 5. Index uses O(nmk+1) space, as it stores al l the variants for n
dictionary words of length m with k mismatches.

3.2.2 Retrieval
For a query p and edit distance k, first generate the neighborhood Ud (p, k).
Then compare the words in the neighborhood with the index, and find
matching candidates. Compare deletion positions for each candidate with
the deletion positions in U(p, k), using Theorem 4.

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