I think you would need to store the position in the stream using position == to the k factor. Pretty straightforward, both for indexing and for searching.

I think if you want the utmost in performance this is the way to go.

If you don't want to store all of the additional data, I still think a better fuzzy search can be done without the external index entirely. As I see it, the external index's sole purpose (in your case) is to provide "indexed" words at a certain edit distance given a certain source word. Using a combination of inverting the alg, and a binary selective search on the term index.

On Jan 6, 2009, at 5:44 PM, Robert Muir wrote:

robert theres only one problem i see: i don't see how you can do a single search since fastssWC returns some false positives (with k=1 it will still return some things with ED of 2). maybe if you store the deletion position information as a payload (thus using original fastss where there are no false positives) it would work though. i looked at storing position information but it appeared like it might be complex and the api was (is) still marked experimental so i didn't go that route.

i also agree lucene index might not be the best possible data structure... just convenient thats all. i used it because i store other things related to the term besides deletion neighborhoods for my fuzzy matching.

i guess i'll also mention that i do think storage size should be a big consideration. you really don't need this kind of stuff unless you are searching pretty big indexes in the first place (for <= few million docs the default fuzzy is probably just fine for a lot of people).

for me, the whole thing was about turning 30second queries into 1 second queries by removing a linear algorithm, i didn't really optimize much beyond that because i was just very happy to have reasonable performance..

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 6:26 PM, robert engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
I understand now.

The index in my case would definitely be MUCH larger, but I think it would perform better, as you only need to do a single search - for obert (if you assume it was a misspelling).

In your case you would eventually do an OR search in the lucene index for all possible matches (robert, roberta, roberto, ...) which could be much larger with some commonly prefixed/postfixed words).

Classic performance vs. size trade-off. In your case where it is not for misspellings, the performance difference might be worthwhile.

Still, in your case, I am not sure using a Lucene index as the external index is appropriate. Maybe a simple BTREE (Derby?) index of (word,edit permutation) with a a key on both would allow easy search and update. If implemented as a service, some intelligent caching of common misspellings could really improve the performance.

On Jan 6, 2009, at 4:29 PM, Robert Muir wrote:

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:15 PM, robert engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote: It is definitely going to increase the index size, but not any more than than the external one would (if my understanding is correct).

The nice thing is that you don't have to try and keep documents numbers in sync - it will be automatic.

Maybe I don't understand what your external index is storing. Given that the document contains 'robert' but the user enters' obert', what is the process to find the matching documents?

heres a simple example. neighborhood stored for robert is 'robert obert rbert roert ...' this is indexed in a tokenized field.

at query time user typoes robert and enters 'tobert'. again neighborhood is generated 'tobert obert tbert ...' the system does a query on tobert OR obert OR tbert ... and robert is returned because 'obert' is present in both neighborhoods. in this example, by storing k=1 deletions you guarantee to satisfy all edit distance matches <= 1 without linear scan. you get some false positives too with this approach, thats why what comes back is only a CANDIDATE and true edit distance must be used to verify. this might be tricky to do with your method, i don't know.

Is the external index essentially a constant list, that given obert, the source words COULD BE robert, tobert, reobert etc., and it contains no document information so:

no. see above, you generate all possible 1-character deletions of the index term and store them, then at query time you generate all possible 1-character deletions of the query term. basically, LUCENE and LUBENE are 1 character different, but they are the same (LUENE) if you delete 1 character from both of them. so you dont need to store LUCENE LUBENE LUDENE, you just store LUENE.

given the source word X, and an edit distance k, you ask the external dictionary for possible indexed words, and it returns the list, and then use search lucene using each of those words?

If the above is the case, it certainly seems you could generate this list in real-time rather efficiently with no IO (unless the external index only stores words which HAVE BEEN indexed).

I think the confusion may be because I understand Otis's comments, but they don't seem to match what you are stating.

Essentially performing any term match requires efficient searching/ matching of the term index. If this is efficient enough, I don't think either process is needed - just an improved real-time fuzzy possibilities word generator.

On Jan 6, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Robert Muir wrote:

i see, your idea would definitely simplify some things.

What about the index size difference between this approach and using separate index? Would this separate field increase index size?

I guess my line of thinking is if you have 10 docs with robert, with separate index you just have robert, and its deletion neighborhood one time. with this approach you have the same thing, but at least you must have document numbers and the other inverted index stuff with each neighborhood term. would this be a significant change to size and/or performance? and since the documents have multiple terms there is additional positional information for slop factor for each neighborhood term...

i think its worth investigating, maybe performance would actually be better, just curious. i think i boxed myself in to auxiliary index because of some other irrelevant thigns i am doing.

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:42 PM, robert engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote: I don't think that is the case. You will have single deletion neighborhood. The number of unique terms in the field is going to be the union of the deletion dictionaries of each source term.

For example, given the following documents A which have field 'X' with value best, and document B with value jest (and k == 1).

A will generate est bst, bet, bes, B will generate est, jest, jst, jes

so field FieldXFuzzy contains (est:AB,bst:A,bet:A,bes:A,jest:B,jst:B,jes)

I don't think the storage requirement is any greater doing it this way.

3.2.1 Indexing
For all words in a dictionary, and a given number of edit operations k, FastSS generates all variant spellings recursively and save them as tuples of type vā€² āˆˆ Ud (v, k) ā†’ (v, x) where v is a dictionary word and x a list of deletion

Theorem 5. Index uses O(nmk+1) space, as it stores al l the variants for n
dictionary words of length m with k mismatches.

3.2.2 Retrieval
For a query p and edit distance k, first generate the neighborhood Ud (p, k).
Then compare the words in the neighborhood with the index, and find
matching candidates. Compare deletion positions for each candidate with
the deletion positions in U(p, k), using Theorem 4.

Robert Muir

Robert Muir

Robert Muir

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