My MBP has 7168.

Maybe something like MySQL or other tools modify it, but I'm pretty positive I 

At any rate,  I feel pretty safe assuming no one is running a production system 
on a MBP...

I suppose if we wanted to get really fancy, we could, on *NIX systems, exec 
ulimit and parse the results and then choose the appropriate setting.  I 
personally think, however, that isn't time well spent and would just as soon 
have it set to false and tied to the Version.

On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:09 AM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 09:49:09AM -0500, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
>> My Mac (non-laptop) reports:
>> ulimit -n
>> 2560
>> And I know I didn't change it.
> Before I posted, I had a few officemates corroborate.  4 people had 256 --
> three on 10.6 and me on 10.5.  I think these were all Mac Book Pros.  The
> exception was our DBA, who had high numbers (thousands) on both his MBP and
> his desktop.
> Marvin Humphrey
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