At 21:58 01 Jan 2001 +0200, Yavor Kolarov wrote:

> Recently an interesting question crossed my mind - is there a project for 
> "emedding" JRE as part of Linux system. By embedding I mean starting it at 
> system boot or the first time it's needed and keep it running, so that when 
> the user starts an Java application java is already there and start time is 
> shortened. One of the reasons lots of users avoid java is because even the 
> simplest application loads several times slower than its naive ecuivalent.
> I know about the kernel module that invokes JRE when you exec a java .class 
> file(with appropriate +x permission). But it doesn't keep JVM is not resident.

There are some very good reasons to keep as much out of the kernel as possible.
But, there is no reason this kind of thing can't be done in user-space.

I have reason to believe (a combination of a few different resources) that
we'll be seeing a lot of effort made in this direction by Sun in upcoming
releases (it may end up being post 1.4, but it's definately under

If you think about this, what you really want is to be able to share things
between JVM's, and then let the OS cache that (or keep one VM running).  What
might be shared in a VM?  Classfile bytes in memory.  The JIT'ed version of
those classes.  The VM libraries themselves are already cached, of course - but
if we were to have a system to cache even just java.* and javax.* classes (and
their JIT equivalents), we'll have a *much* faster startup time.

Sun may not have bothered, but pretty soon they're going to be compared to
.NET.  And Microsofts implementation will have a fast startup time & cache /
share all this stuff, because that's what they do.  (Compare IE load times vs
Netscape.  Remember the complaints that it was because IE is half in memory all
the time?  The answer, of course, is 'who cares?' - it still starts in
50%/20%/10% of the time)

Not quite pure speculation on my part, but close. ;)


Paul Mclachlan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Software Engineer, Java Tools.  NuMega Lab, Compuware corp.

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