On Jan 11, 2005, at 5:18 PM, Juergen Kreileder wrote:

Marc St-Jean writes:

BTW, I went to verify how the "blackdown binary license" would be different from the Sun license with regards to distribution with a distro. However after downloading twice from the ftp.tux.org mirror the LICENSE file at the root of the 1.4.2-01 directory appears to be corrupt. In the SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERNS sub-section B. is truncated at "... agree to defe". Sub-section C. has a (v) clause with no text. Sub-section E. is truncated at "... reproduced in its enti". Could someone please verify this file?

You're right. Calvin, this is a problem inherited from the Sun source, the jdk/jre licenses are broken in the 07-fcs code.


Other than the corruption it appears to be the same as the Sun JDK 1.4.2_X license.
This prompts me to ask, is the Blackdown license supposed to be different from Sun's?


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