
> SQLDirectory.java file by Marc Kramis. But there does not seem to be any
> download or further references to this implementation.  Does anyone have it?
> or are there perhaps any other implementations to get me started?

It took me a while to find it, but I finally discovered it in an old mailing list archive (dit not keep the link, though *sigh*). Performance is said not be the best and one user claimed to have found a bug, but that's all hear-say.
I did not yet use the SQLDirectory myself.

Anyway, I got another reference. Maybe you want to check out this discussion (where I asked a similar question near the end):

Checking the index of the book "Lucene in action" I discovered "DBDirectory". However, they seem to store the index in a BerkelyDB - no idea yet whether that may be tranferred to Oracle (which is my preferred target as well). Did not check "Lucene in action" any further either.

Coming back to SQLDirectory.java, if you would like to I can send you the class and acompanying DDL scripts. Just let me know.


Tobias Lütticke

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