You have to turn on term vectors when indexing. Take a look at the Field constructor that passes in TermVector.


On May 22, 2007, at 8:09 AM, Mohammad Norouzi wrote:

I would use a term vector to get this.  See
IndexReader.getTermFreqVector.  You can get the term vector for just
field 3.

Grant, thanks, in my case, getTermFreqVector returns null, I dont know why it accepts a docnumber as parameter, what is it? is that the same doc id?
if yes it restrict the result for just one document, am I right?

Let's suppose you modify your WhitespaceAnalyzer not to use a
WhitespaceTokenizer, but a modified version of the Tokenizer which
token-ize not by space but by something else, like '/'. (this is just an
example of course).
So suppose your real txt document contain :
/text2 text3/text4 text5/text6
When you add this document to the index using the tokenizer I explained,
terms returned by indexreader.terms should be:
text2 text3
text4 text5

Walter, thank you so much, may I ask you a question:
if I am using an analyzer, say, XYAnalyzer while indexing, is it affect on
how to search?
another thing that buffled me is that by using IndexReader.terms() no
Analyzer specified so how it possible to do that?

thank you again

see my blog:

Grant Ingersoll
Center for Natural Language Processing

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