thank you for the reply, I knew the answer but was compelled to ask anyway.
CAD files like AutoCad/ProE/CaTia do contain some useful text and it is possible to get at that and index it. But mostly it's vectors and there is not much a text engine can do with a vectors.

thanks again.

jim s

----- Original Message ----- From: "Erick Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: CAD files, Images

No, you can only index text. It's the same thing as indexing HTML
documents or XML documents. You index "important stuff" from
the guts of the doc.

So, if you can get some text out of these docs, you can index *that*,
possibly along with page information that allows you to, say, display
the relevant page in the original CAD app.

But there's nothing in core Lucene that just takes a CAD doc and
"does magic" to index it that I know of.


On 5/23/07, jim shirreffs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it possibe to index CAD formats such as AutoCad or CGM? I know some
commecail products (excalaber) claim to be able to do that? If so what

jim s

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