We're starting a new project, which basically catalogs everything we have in the department (different objects with different metadata), and as I used Lucene before, I'm preparing a presentation to the team, as I think it would really simplify the storage of metadata and documents. The system will be pretty straightforward, all items will be cataloged, and most of them won't be changed too much ( I'll raise this question later ).
        So, here are my main concerns, hope you can help

1) Storing all data (index and content) wasn't recommended in the past, as the index could become corrupted. Do I have this problem if I use a JdbcDirectory (PostgreSQL backend) ? I already read about the performance degradation when using a database as main storage, but this won't be a problem.

2) Lucene doesn't support incremental editing (a new Document will be created when someone edits an item), so is it possible to manage some kind of versioning ? Anyone ever implemented something this way ?

Thanks a lot for the attention

Guilherme Barile
Prosoma Informática
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