: I use StandardAnalyzer.the records daily ranges from 5 crore to 6 crore. for
: every second i am updating my Index. i instantiate IndexSearcher object one
: time for all the searches. for an hour can i see the updated records in the
: indexstore by reinstantiating IndexSearcher object.but the problem when i
: reinstantiate IndexSearcher ,my RAM memory gets appended.is there any

skimming hte code below, you are opening an IndexSearcher over a 
MultiReader over 4 seperate IndexReaders ... when you instantiate a new 
IndexSearcher are you explicitly closing both the old IndexSearcher as 
well as all of 4 of those old IndexReaders and the MultiReader?

closing an IndexSearcher will only close the underlying Reader if it 
opened it .. and a MultiReader constructed from other IndexReaders will 
never close them.


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