After checking the Lucene API of ParallelReader it seems that the star score
could be stored in different index which shares the same identifier for the
documents. Such index could be small (partitioned to many small indices?) so
the updates can be fast. Is that what you meant Andrzej? ;-)

Anyway, I remember different technique which I once mentioned in Lucene mail
list taking inspiration from book called Programming Collective
The idea is not to store score (may be I should call it user preference)
into index but into neural net. One useful side effect is that this
technique could score reasonably even document without any stars (meaning
"similar" document to highly started documents could score better even if
they haven't been stared by any user yet).


On 1/8/08, Andrzej Bialecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukas Vlcek wrote:
> > So staring will be accommodated only during indexing phase. Does it mean
> it
> > will be pretty static value not a dynamically changing variable...
> correct?
> > In other words if I add my starts to some document it won't affect the
> > scoring immediately but after indexing cycle. Correct?
> (I'm not involved in Wikia development). There are some ways to go about
> it even in the pure Lucene-land, so that the updates are fast without
> reindexing the main content. Hint: ParallelReader.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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