On Jan 8, 2008, at 2:55 AM, Lukas Vlcek wrote:

1) If they have made any improvements/changes to Nutch (or Lucene/ Hadoop) code and they keep it closed then how they can claim they are using open
sourced algorithms?

They are "using" it, they just aren't sharing it. Many companies out there do that, they use Lucene but you would never know it unless you dug in deep. It's probably one of the big diffs between the Apache license and some of the "other" licenses. But, having read more about it, I don't think Wikia is keeping it closed, but that doesn't mean they are contributing back to us, either. They certainly could host the repository themselves and make it available. Some people host Lucene improvements elsewhere b/c they want different licenses. As long as they include the ASF license and give proper credit to it, I believe they are fine.

2) Wouldn't it be too expensive for them to keep their changes closed going
forward? How about if Nutch changes significantly in the future.

I would think so, but there are no rules against doing stupid things, right?


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