Hi.At step 2 I have only 3 files in the folder,but i think is not a
problema.I've tried to create the index in the web app e not only in the
standalone application but something failes.Tomcat report this error
 java.io.FileNotFoundException: no segments* file found in
org.apache.lucene.store.ramdirect...@1c2ec05: files:
    at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader.open(IndexReader.java:316)
    at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader.open(IndexReader.java:227)
    at org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher.<init>(IndexSearcher.java:55)
    at org.utils.synonym.WordNetSynonymEngine.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at org.indexing.AlternativeRDFIndexing.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at org.gui.CreazioneIndici.run2(Unknown Source)
    at org.gui.Query.main(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeApplication(Launcher.java:1321)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeMainClass(Launcher.java:1267)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.doLaunchApp(Launcher.java:1066)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:116)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

this changes everytime one time it is: no segments* file found in
the second it is no segments* file found in

On the standalone it  works perfectly.

Marco Lazzara

2009/5/22 Matthew Hall <mh...@informatics.jax.org>

> humor me.
> Open up your indexing software package.
> Step 1: In all places where you reference your index, replace whatever the
> heck you have there with the following EXACT STRING:
> /home/marco/testIndex
> Do not leave off the leading slash.
> After you have made these changes to the indexing software, recompile and
> create your indexes.
> Step 2: After your indexing process completes do the following:
> cd /home/marco/testIndex/index
> You should see files in there, they will look something like this:
> drwxrwxr-x   3 mhall    progs       4.0K May 18 11:19 ..
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs         80 May 21 16:47 _9j7.fnm
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs       4.1G May 21 16:50 _9j7.fdt
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs       434M May 21 16:50 _9j7.fdx
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs       280M May 21 16:52 _9j7.frq
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs       108M May 21 16:52 _9j7.prx
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs       329M May 21 16:52 _9j7.tis
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs       4.7M May 21 16:52 _9j7.tii
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs       108M May 21 16:52 _9j7.nrm
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs         47 May 21 16:52 segments_9je
> -rw-rw-r--   1 mhall    progs         20 May 21 16:52 segments.gen
> You have now confirmed that you are actually creating indexes.  And the
> indexes you are creating exist at EXACTLY the place you have asked them to.
> Step 3: Then.. go download luke, and open these indexes.  Perform a query
> on them, confirm that the data you want is actually IN the indexes.
> Step 4: Now, open up your standalone application, and replace whatever you
> are using in the to open the index with the SAME string I have listed above.
> Perform a search, verify that the indexes are there, and actually return
> values.
> Step 5: Lastly, go into your web application and again replace the path
> with the one I have above, recompile, and perform a search.  Verify that the
> indexes are actually THERE and searchable.
> This.. damn well SHOULD work, if it doesn't it is likely pointing to some
> other issues in what you have setup.  For example your tomcat instance could
> perhaps not have permission to read the lucene indexes directory.  You
> should be able to tell this in the tomcat logs, BUT don't do this yet.
>  Carefully and fully follow the steps I have outlined for you, and then you
> have chased down the full debugging path for this.
> If this yields nothing for you, I'd be happy to take a closer look at your
> source code, but until then give this a shot.
> Oh.. if it fails, please post back EXACTLY which steps in the above
> outlined process failed for you, as that will be really really helpful.
> Matt
> Marco Lazzara wrote:
>> I dont't know hot to solve the problem..I've tried all rationals
>> things.Maybe the last thing is to try to index not with FSDirectory but
>> with
>> something else.I have to peruse the api documentation.
>> But.....IF IT WAS A LUCENE'S BUG???
>> 2009/5/22 Matthew Hall <mh...@informatics.jax.org>
>>> because that's the default index write behavior.
>>> It will create any directory that you ask it to.
>>> Matt
>>> Marco Lazzara wrote:
>>>> ok.I understand what you really mean but It doesn't work.
>>>> I understand one thing.For example When i try to open an index in the
>>>> following location : "RDFIndexLucene/" but the folder doesn't
>>>> exist,*Lucene
>>>> create an empty folder named "RDFIndexLucene"* in my home
>>>> folder...WHY???
>>>> 2009/5/22 Matthew Hall <mh...@informatics.jax.org>
>>>>> For writing indexes?
>>>>> Well I guess it depends on what you want.. but I personally use this:
>>>>> (2.3.2 API)
>>>>> File INDEX_DIR = "/data/searchtool/thisismyindexdirectory"
>>>>> Analyzer analyzer = new WhateverConcreteAnalyzerYouWant();
>>>>> writer = new IndexWriter(/INDEX_DIR/, /analyzer/, true);
>>>>> Your best bet would be to peruse the API docs of whatever lucene
>>>>> version
>>>>> you are using.
>>>>> However, I'm still pretty sure this ISN'T your actual issue here.
>>>>> Looking at your "full path" example those still seem to be by reference
>>>>> to
>>>>> me. Let me be more specific and tell you EXACTLY what I mean by that,
>>>>> Lets say you are running your program in the following directory:
>>>>> /home/test/app/
>>>>> Trying to open an index like you have below will effectively be trying
>>>>> to
>>>>> open an index in the following location:
>>>>> /home/test/app/home/marco/RdfIndexLucene
>>>>> What I think you MEAN to be doing is:
>>>>> /home/marco/RdfIndexLucene
>>>>> That leading slash is VERY VERY important, as its the entire difference
>>>>> between an relative path and an absolute one.
>>>>> Matt
>>>>> Marco Lazzara wrote:
>>>>>> I was talking with my teacher.
>>>>>> Is it correct to use FSDirectory?Could you please look again at the
>>>>>> code
>>>>>> I've posted here??
>>>>>> Should I choose a different way to Indexing ??
>>>>>> Marco Lazzara
>>>>>> 2009/5/22 Ian Lea <ian....@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> OK.  I'd still like to see some evidence, but never mind.
>>>>>>> Next suggestion is the old standby - cut the code down to the
>>>>>>> absolute
>>>>>>> minimum to demonstrate the problem and post it here.  I know you've
>>>>>>> already posted some code, but maybe not all of it, and definitely not
>>>>>>> cut down to the absolute minimum.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Ian.
>>>>>>> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Marco Lazzara <
>>>>>>> marco.lazz...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>       wrote:
>>>>>>>> _I strongly suggest that you use a full path name and/or provide
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> evidence that your readers and writers are using the same directory
>>>>>>>> and thus lucene index.
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> I try a full path like home/marco/RdfIndexLucene,even
>>>>>>>> media/disk/users/fratelli/RDFIndexLucene.But nothing is changed.
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>> _
>>>>>>>>> Its been a few days, and we haven't heard back about this issue,
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>> we assume that you fixed it via using fully qualified paths then?
>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>> Ian Lea wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>>>>>> You haven't answered Matt's question about where you are running
>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>> from.  Tomcat's default directory may well not be the same as
>>>>>>>>>> yours.
>>>>>>>>>> I strongly suggest that you use a full path name and/or provide
>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>> evidence that your readers and writers are using the same
>>>>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>>>>> and thus lucene index.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Ian.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Marco Lazzara
>>>>>>>>>> <marco.lazz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I've posted the indexing part,but I don't use this in my
>>>>>>>>>>> app.After
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> create the index,I put that in a folder like
>>>>>>>>>> /home/marco/RDFIndexLucece
>>>>>>>>> and when I run the query I'm only searching (and not indexing).
>>>>>>>>> String[] fieldsearch = new String[] {"name", "synonyms", "propIn"};
>>>>>>>>>>  //RDFinder rdfind = new RDFinder("RDFIndexLucene/",fieldsearch);
>>>>>>>>>>> TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> paths;
>>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>>>             this.paths = this.rdfind.Search(text, "path");
>>>>>>>>>>>         } catch (ParseException e1) {
>>>>>>>>>>>             e1.printStackTrace();
>>>>>>>>>>>         } catch (IOException e1) {
>>>>>>>>>>>             e1.printStackTrace();
>>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>> Marco Lazzara
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, anyhow looking over this quickly here's a summarization
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>> I see:
>>>>>>>>> You have documents in your index that look like the following:
>>>>>>>>>> name which is indexed and stored.
>>>>>>>>>>>> synonyms which are indexed and stored
>>>>>>>>>>>> path, which is stored but not indexed
>>>>>>>>>>>> propin, which is stored and indexed
>>>>>>>>>>>> propinnum, which is stored but not indexed
>>>>>>>>>>>> and ... vicinity I guess which is stored but not indexed
>>>>>>>>>>>> For an analyzer you are using Standard analyzer (which
>>>>>>>>>>>> considering
>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>> the Italian? is an interesting choice.)
>>>>>>>>> And you are opening your index using FSDirectory, in what appears
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> be a by reference fashion (You don't have a fully qualified path
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> where your index is, you are ASSUMING that its in the same
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>>>>>>> as this code, unless FSDirectory is not implemented as I think
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>> is.)
>>>>>>>>>> Now can I see the consumer code?  Specifically the part where you
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> opening the index/constructing your queries?
>>>>>>>>>> I'm betting what's going on here is you are deploying this as a
>>>>>>>>>>>> war
>>>>>>>>>>>> file into tomcat, and its just not really finding the index as a
>>>>>>>>>>>> result of how the war file is getting deployed, but looking more
>>>>>>>>>>>> closely at the source code should reveal if my suspicion is
>>>>>>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also runtime wise, when you run your standalone app, where
>>>>>>>>>>>> specifically in your directory structure are you running it
>>>>>>>>>>>> from?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cause if you are opening your index reader/searcher in the same
>>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>> you are creating your writer here, I'm pretty darn certain that
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> cause you problems.
>>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>>>>> Marco Lazzara wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _Could you further post your Analyzer Setup/Query Building code
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOTH apps. _
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is only one code.It is the same for web and for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> standalone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And it is exactly the real problem!!the code is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same,libraries
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same,query index etc etc. are the same.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is the class that create index
>>>>>>>>>>>>> public class AlternativeRDFIndexing {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     private Analyzer analyzer;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  private Directory directory;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  private IndexWriter iwriter;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  private WordNetSynonymEngine wns;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  private AlternativeResourceAnalysis rs;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public ArrayList<String> commonnodes;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     //private RDFinder rdfind = new
>>>>>>>>>>>> RDFinder("RDFIndexLucene/",new
>>>>>>>>>>> String[] {"name"});
>>>>>>>>>  //    public boolean Exists(String node) throws ParseException,
>>>>>>>>>> IOException{
>>>>>>>>>>>>> //           //        return rdfind.Exists(node);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> //    }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     public AlternativeRDFIndexing(String inputfilename) throws
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IOException, ParseException{
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           commonnodes = new ArrayList<String>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             // bisogna istanziare un oggetto per fare analisi
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sul
>>>>>>>>>>>>> documento rdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      rs = new AlternativeResourceAnalysis(inputfilename);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 ArrayList<String> nodelist = rs.getResources();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      int nodesize = nodelist.size();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      ArrayList<String> sourcelist = rs.getsource();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      int sourcesize = sourcelist.size();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             //sinonimi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      wns = new WordNetSynonymEngine("sinonimi/");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             //creazione di un analyzer standard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      //Memorizza l'indice in RAM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             //Directory directory = new RAMDirector();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             //Memorizza l'indice su file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             directory =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> FSDirectory.getDirectory("RDFIndexLucene/");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             //Creazione istanza per la scrittura dell'indice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      //Tale istanza viene fornita di analyzer, di un boolean
>>>>>>>>>>>>> per
>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicare se ricreare o meno da zero
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      //la struttura e di una dimensione massima (o infinita
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      iwriter = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, true, new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength(25000));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                    //costruiamo un indice con solo n documenti:
>>>>>>>>>>>> un
>>>>>>>>>>> documento per nodo
>>>>>>>>>             for (int i = 0; i < nodesize; i++){
>>>>>>>>>>                     Document doc = new Document();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     //creazione dei vari campi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     // ogni documento avrˆ
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          // un campo name: nome del nodo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          // indicazione di memorizzazione(Store.YES) e
>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicizzazione
>>>>>>>>>>>>> con analyzer(ANALYZED)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     String node = nodelist.get(i);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     //if (sourcelist.contains(node)) break;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     //if (rdfind.Exists(node))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> commonnodes.add(node);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     Field field = new Field("name", node,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.ANALYZED);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          //Aggiunta campo al documento
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     //Aggiungo i sinonimi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          String[] nodesynonyms = wns.getSynonyms(node);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          for (int is = 0; is < nodesynonyms.length; is++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                             field = new Field("synonyms",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodesynonyms[is],
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.ANALYZED);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              //Aggiunta campo al documento
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     // uno o piu campi path_i: path minimali
>>>>>>>>>>>> dalle
>>>>>>>>>>> sorgenti al nodo
>>>>>>>>>          // non indicizzati
>>>>>>>>>>                     for (int j = 0; j < sourcesize; j++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          String source = sourcelist.get(j);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<LinkedList<String>> path = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<LinkedList<String>>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          try{
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                         if ((source.equals(node)) ||
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sourcelist.contains(node))){
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  field = new Field("path", "null",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Index.NO);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              else{
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  path = rs.getPaths(source, node);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  for (int ii = 0; ii < path.size(); ii++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      String pp = rs.getPath(path.get(ii));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      field = new Field("path", pp,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Index.NO);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      doc.add(field);                     }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                             }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              System.out.println("source: "+source+ " node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "+node);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              field = new Field("path", "null", Field.Store.YES,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Index.NO);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                           }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     // proprietˆ entranti
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          // indicizzati
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        //versione con i sinonimi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     ArrayList<String> y =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rs.getInProperty(node);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     if (y != null) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          for (int j = 0; j < y.size(); j++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                             String propin = y.get(j);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              field = new Field("propIn", propin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Index.ANALYZED);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          String[] propinsynonyms = wns.getSynonyms(propin);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     for (int is = 0; is <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> propinsynonyms.length;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                             field = new Field("propIn",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> propinsynonyms[is],
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.ANALYZED);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              //Aggiunta campo al documento
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     // un campo num_propIn: numero di proprietˆ
>>>>>>>>>>>>> entranti
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          // non indicizzato
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     String num_propIN =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> String.valueOf(y.size());
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     field = new Field("num_propIn", num_propIN,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Index.NO);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     else {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                             String num_propIN =
>>>>>>>>>>>> String.valueOf(0);
>>>>>>>>>>>                             field = new Field("num_propIn",
>>>>>>>>> num_propIN,
>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NO);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              doc.add(field);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                         }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     // i vicini del nodo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     ArrayList<String> v = rs.getVicini(node);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     if (v != null) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>          for (int j = 0; j < v.size(); j++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                             String vicino = v.get(j);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              field = new Field("vicini", vicino,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Store.YES,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Field.Index.ANALYZED);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              doc.add(field);                                 }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               //aggiunta
>>>>>>>>>>>> documento
>>>>>>>>>>> all'indice
>>>>>>>>>          iwriter.addDocument(doc);
>>>>>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             iwriter.close();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      directory.close();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     public int getNR(){
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      return rs.NumResource();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>> MARCO LAZZARA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Things that could help us immensely here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you post your indexReader/Searcher initialization code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> standalone app, as well as your webapp.
>>>>>>>>> Could you further post your Analyzer Setup/Query Building code
>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both apps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you further post the document creation code used at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time? (Which analyzer, and which fields are indexed/stored)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give us this, and I'm pretty darn sure we can nail down your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ian Lea wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are no exceptions.When I run the query a new shell is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> displayed but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  with no result.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New shell?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _*Are you sure the index is the same - what do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader.maxDoc(),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numDocs() and getVersion() say, standalone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and in tomcat?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *_What do you mean with this question??
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader ir = ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> System.out.printf("maxDoc=%s, ...", ir.maxDoc(), ...);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and run in tomcat and standalone.  To absolutely confirm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking at the same index, and it has documents, etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ian.
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>>> --
>>> Matthew Hall
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Mouse Genome Informatics
>>> mh...@informatics.jax.org
>>> (207) 288-6012
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> --
> Matthew Hall
> Software Engineer
> Mouse Genome Informatics
> mh...@informatics.jax.org
> (207) 288-6012
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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