Opening a searcher and doing the first query incurs a significant amount of
overhead, cache loading, etc. Inferring search times relative to index size
with a program like you describe is unreliable.

Try firing a few queries at the index without measuring, *then* measure the
time it takes for subsequent queries and you'll get a much better picture of
actual response time.

The fact that a program that fires a single query at a newly opened reader
has near-linear performance isn't as surprising as all that. I'd be more
concerned if, say, queries 10 through 100 *on the same underlying reader*
displayed this behavior.


especially the questions around:
*When measuring performance, disregard the first query

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:49 AM, Teruhiko Kurosaka <>wrote:

> I've written a test program that uses the simplest form of search,
> TermQuery and measure the time it takes to search a term in a field
> on indices of various sizes.
> The result is a very linear growth of search time vs the index size in
> terms of # of Documents, not # of unique terms in that field.
> -kuro
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