

I tried as you suggested using Luke, and I found at least part of my problem.  
Luke was defaulting to KeywordAnalyzer.  

I changed that to StandardAnalyzer, and did queries for:




For the first, the Rewritten was:


and found 1 document.

For the 2nd, the Rewritten was:


and found 1 document.

So, at least now the Luke search results are the same as what I'm seeing in the 
luceneweb web query.

With the 2nd query, I did "Explain structure" and it shows:

Term 0: field='path' text='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Term 1: field='path' text='dat'

So, going back to Phil Whelan's explanation in his email yesterday:

This query will also pass through the same (hopefully) Analyzer and 
will be broken into terms. So the query will actually be for 
"file-1-2" and "dat" where "file-1-2" is followed immediately by 
In indexing the terms position is stored, so 
"C:\dir1\dir2\file-1-1.dat" becomes... 
[0] c 
[1] dir1 
[2] dir2 
[3] file-1-1 
[4] dat 
"file-1-1" is followed by "dat", so there is a match. 

I think the above explains things.

So, the bottom line was that with Luke, it was using KeywordAnalyzer.

When I switched Luke to using StandardAnalyzer, the Luke query results matched 
my web query results.

THANKS!!  I feel better now :)...


---- Andrzej Bialecki <> wrote: 
> wrote:
> > Hi Phil,
> > 
> > Well, kind of... but...
> > 
> > Then, why, when I do the search in Luke, do I get the results I cited:
> > 
> > xxxx  ==> succeeds
> > 
> > xxxx.yyy  ==> fails (no results)
> > 
> > I guess that I've been assuming that the search in Luke is "correct" and 
> > I've been using that to "test my understanding", but maybe that's an 
> > invalid assumption?
> Luke has some bugs, that's for sure, but not as many as one would think 
> ;) I recommend the following exercise:
> * first, check what the "Rewritten" query looks like, in both cases. 
> This could be enlightening, because depending on the choice of default 
> field and query analyzer results could differ dramatically.
> * then, if a query succeeds in matching one or more documents, open this 
> document and view its fields using "Reconstruct & edit", especially the 
> "Tokenized" version of the field. At this point any potential mismatch 
> in query terms vs. analyzed tokens in the field should become apparent.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Andrzej Bialecki     <><
>   ___. ___ ___ ___ _ _   __________________________________
> [__ || __|__/|__||\/|  Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
> ___|||__||  \|  ||  |  Embedded Unix, System Integration
>  Contact: info at sigram dot com
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