using RAMDIRECTORY is not fast enough because field value need to be
deserialized. I have compared it with hashmap. it is four times slower. our
old map implementation use about 10 ms, while newer one is 40 ms. the
reason is we need to return some fields of all hitted documents. the fields
are not very long strings and the document number is less than 100k
在 2012-6-22 下午5:13,"Danil ŢORIN" <>写道:

> If you can afford it, you could add one additional untokenized stored
> field that will contain the serialized(one way or another) form of the
> document.
> Add FieldCache on top of it, and return it right away.
> But we are getting into the area where you basically have to keep all
> your documents in memory.
> In this situation, maybe it simply doesn't make sense to over
> complicate things: just keep your index in memory (as it is right now,
> no additional fields or field caches), and retrieving document would
> be fast enough simply because all data is in RAM.
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 3:56 AM, Li Li <> wrote:
> > use collector and field cache is a good idea for ranking by certain
> > field's value.
> > but I just need to return matched documents' fields. and also field
> > cache can't store multi-value fields?
> > I have to store special chars like '\n' to separate them and split
> > string to string array in runtime.
> >
> > On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 5:11 AM, Paul Hill <> wrote:
> >> I would ask the question that if you want to look at the whole value of
> a field during searching, why don't you have a just such a field in your
> index?
> >> I have an index with several fields that have 2 versions of the field
> both analyzed and unanalyzed.  It works great for me in 3.x (not 4.x).
> >> Have you read about Collectors?  That is where I find myself working
> with field caches, but maybe this is not your need. I also properly
> configured the call to search.doc( docId ) with the second argument,
> >> so I only automatically load the fields I will be using in my returned
> results, not any 'extra' fields use in Filters, Collectors etc.  If you
> have a special query that needs to be extra fast, you can change the fields
> to load just in the special code for that special query.
> >>
> >> I hope that helps,
> >>
> >> -Paul
> >>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Li Li []
> >>> but as l can remember, in 2.9.x FieldCache can only apply to indexed
> but not analyzed fields.
> >>
> >
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