
Despite following all the recommended optimizations (as described at , in some of our installations, search performance has reached the point where is it unacceptably slow. For instance, in one environment, the total index size is 200GB, with 150 million documents indexed. With NRT enabled, search speed is roughly 5 minutes on average. The server resources are: 2x6 Core Intel CPU, 128GB, 2 SSD for index and RAID 0, with Linux.

The only thing we haven't yet done, is to upgrade Lucene from 4.7.x to 4.8.x. Is this likely to make any noticeable difference in performance?

Clearly, longer term, we need to move to a distributed search model. We thought to take advantage of the distributed search features offered in Solr, however, our solution is very tightly integrated into Lucene directly (since Solr didn't exist when we started out). Moving to Solr now seems like a daunting prospect. We've also following the Katta project with interest, but it doesn't appear support distributed indexing, and development on it seems to have stalled. It would be nice if there were a distributed search project on the Lucene level that we could use.

I realize this is a rather vague question, but are there any further suggestions on ways to improve search performance? We need cheap and dirty ideas, as well as longer term advice on a possible path forward.

Much appreciate


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