
Thanks again!

This time, I have indexed data with the following specs. I run into > 40 
seconds for the FastTaxonomyFacetCounts to create all the facets. Is this as 
per your measurements? Subsequent runs fare much better probably because of the 
Windows file system cache. How can I speed this up? 
I believe there was a CategoryListCache earlier. Is there any cache or other 
implementation that I can use?

Secondly, I had a general question. If I extrapolate these numbers for a 
billion documents, my search and facet number may probably be unusable in a 
real time scenario. What are the strategies employed when you deal with such 
large scale? I am new to Lucene so please also direct me to the relevant info 
sources. Thanks!
Count: 20M, Size: 51GB
Size (w/o Facets): 19GB, Size
(w/Facets): 20.12GB
Creation Time (w/o Facets):
3.46hrs, Creation Time (w/Facets): 3.49hrs
Search Performance:
               With 29055 hits (5 terms in query): 
               Query Execution: 8 seconds
               Facet counts execution: 40-45 seconds
               With 4.22M hits (2 terms in query): 
               Query Execution: 3 seconds
               Facet counts execution: 42-46 seconds
               With 15.1M hits (1 term in query): 
               Query Execution: 2 seconds
               Facet counts execution: 45-53 seconds
               With 6183 hits (5 different values for the same 5 terms):  
(Without Flushing Windows File Cache on Next
               Query Execution: 11 seconds
               Facet counts execution: < 1 second
               With 4.9M hits (1 different value for the 1 term): (Without 
Windows File Cache on Next run) 
               Query Execution: 2 seconds
               Facet counts execution: 3 seconds

Thanks n Regards,
Sandeep Ramesh Khanzode

On Monday, June 16, 2014 8:11 PM, Shai Erera <ser...@gmail.com> wrote:


1.] Is there any API that gives me the count of a specific dimension from
> FacetCollector in response to a search query. Currently, I use the
> getTopChildren() with some value and then check the
 FacetResult object for
> the actual number of dimensions hit along with their occurrences. Also, the
> getSpecificValue() does not work without a path attribute to the API.

To get the value of the dimension itself, you should call getTopChildren(1,
dim). Note that getSpecificValue does not allow to pass only the dimension,
and getTopChildren requires topN to be > 0. Passing 1 is a hack, but I'm
not sure we should specifically support getting the aggregated value of
just the dimension ... once you get that, the FacetResult.value tells you
the aggregated count.

2.] Can I find the MAX or MIN value of a Numeric type field written to the
> index?

Depends how you index them. If you
 index the field as a numeric field (e.g.
LongField), I believe you can use NumericUtils.getMaxLong. If it's a
DocValues field, I don't know of a built-in function that does it, but this
thread has a demo code:

3.] I am trying to compare and contrast Lucene Facets with Elastic Search.
> I could determine that ES does search time faceting and dynamically returns
> the response without any prior faceting during indexing time. Is index time
> lag is not my concern, can I assume that, in general, performance-wise
> Lucene facets would be faster?

I will start by saying that I don't know much about how ES facets work. We
have some committers who know both how
 Lucene and ES facets work, so they
can comment on that. But I personally don't think there's no index-time
decision when it comes to faceting. Well .. not unless you're faceting on
arbitrary terms. Otherwise, you already make decision such as indexing the
field as not tokenized/analyzed/lowercased/doc-values etc.

Note that Lucene facets also support non-taxonomy based faceting option,
using the DocValues fields. Look at SortedSetDocValuesFacetField. This too
can be perceived as an index-time decision though... And there are some
built-in dynamic faceting capabilities too, like range facets
(LongRangeFacetCounts), which can work on any NumericDocValuesField, as
well as any ValueSource (such as Expressions).

I cannot compare ES facets to Lucene's in
 terms of performance, as I
haven't benchmarked them yet.

4.] I index a semi-large-ish corpus of 20M files across 50GB. If I do not
> use IndexWriter.commit(), I get standard files like cfe/cfs/si in the index
> directory. However, if I do use the commit(), then as I understand it, the
> state is persisted to the disk. But this time, there are additional file
> extensions like doc/pos/tim/tip/dvd/dvm, etc. I am not sure about this
> difference and its cause.

The information of the doc/tim/tip etc. is buffered in memory (controlled
by ramBufferSizeMB) and when they are flushed (on commit or when the RAM
buffer fills up), those files materialize on disk. When you call commit
there's no stop-the-world activity
 that's going on. Rather, all in-memory
buffers are flushed, the files are fsync'd and a new commit point is
generated. Indexing can continue though as usual. Concurrency might be
affected though, depending on the speed of your IO system, but there's no
intentional stop-the-world.

* 5.] Does the RAMBufferSizeMB() control the commit intervals, so that when
the limit is reached across all writing threads, the contents are flushed
to disk periodically?*

The RAM buffer limit controls the flush intervals. Commit is an explicit
operation that you have to call yourself, as it's rather expensive (fsync
is expensive). Note that since 4.0 Lucene flushes each thread's indexing
state independent from other threads. So when the RAM buffer fills up, on
thread's indexing state is picked and flushed, while other threads can
continue indexing (where before this flush would be a stop-the-world
action, preventing indexing for a while).


On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Sandeep Khanzode <
sandeep_khanz...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> Correction on [4] below. I do get doc/pos/tim/tip/dvd/dvm files in either
> ase. What I meant was the number of those files appear different in both
> cases. Also, does commit() stop the world and behave serially to flush the
> contents?
> -----------------------
> Thanks n Regards,
> Sandeep Ramesh Khanzode
> On Monday, June 16, 2014 7:10 PM, Sandeep Khanzode
> <sandeep_khanz...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Hi Shai,
> Thanks for the response. Appreciated! I understand that this particular
> use case has to be handled in a different way.
> Can you please help me with the below questions?
> 1.] Is there any API that gives me the count of a specific dimension from
 FacetCollector in response to a search query. Currently, I use the
> getTopChildren() with some value and then check the FacetResult object for
> the actual number of dimensions hit along with their occurrences. Also, the
> getSpecificValue() does not work without a path attribute to the API.
> 2.] Can I find the MAX or MIN value of a Numeric type field written to the
> index?
> 3.] I am trying to compare and contrast Lucene Facets with Elastic Search.
> I could determine that ES does search time faceting and dynamically returns
> the response without any prior faceting during indexing time. Is index time
> lag is not my concern, can I assume that, in general, performance-wise
> Lucene facets would be faster?
> 4.] I index a semi-large-ish corpus of 20M files across 50GB. If I do not
> use IndexWriter.commit(), I get standard files like cfe/cfs/si in the index
> directory. However, if I do use the commit(), then as I understand it, the
> state is persisted to the disk. But this time, there are additional file
> extensions like doc/pos/tim/tip/dvd/dvm, etc. I am not sure about this
> difference and its cause.
> 5.] Does the RAMBufferSizeMB() control the commit intervals, so that when
> the limit is reached across all writing threads, the contents are flushed
> to disk periodically?
> Appreciate your response to the above queries. Thanks again,
> Thanks n Regards,
> Sandeep Ramesh Khanzode
> On Sunday, June 15, 2014 10:40 AM, Shai Erera <ser...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Currently there's now way to add e.g. terms to already indexed documents,
> you have to re-index them. The only updatable field type Lucene offers
> currently are DocValues fields. If the list of markers/flags is fixed in
> your case, and you can map them to an integer, I think you could use a
> NumericDocValues field, which supports field-level updates.
> Once you
 do that, you can then:
> * Count on this field pretty easily. You will need to write a Facets
> implementation, but otherwise it's very easy.
> * Filter queries: you will need to write a Filter which returns a DocIdSet
> of the documents that belong to one category (e.g. Financially Relevant).
> Here you might want to consider caching the result of the Filter, by using
> CachingWrapperFilter.
> It's not the best approach, updatable Terms would better suit your usecase,
> however we don't offer them yet and it will be a while until we do (and IF
> we do). You should also benchmark that approach vs re-indexing the
> documents since the current implementation of updatable doc-values fields
> isn't optimized for a few document updates between index reopens. See here:
> http://shaierera.blogspot.com/2014/04/benchmarking-updatable-docvalues.html
> Shai
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Sandeep Khanzode <
> sandeep_khanz...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:
> > Hi Shai,
> >
> > Thanks so much for the clear explanation.
> >
> > I agree on the first question. Taxonomy Writer with a separate index
> would
> > probably be my approach too.
> >
> > For the second question:
> > I am a little new to the Facets API so I will try to figure out the
> > approach that you outlined below.
> >
> > However, the scenario is such: Assume a document corpus that is indexed.
> > For a user query, a document is returned and selected by the user for
> > editing as part of some use case/workflow. That document is now marked as
> > either historically interesting or not, financially relevant, specific to
> > media or entertainment domain, etc. by the user. So, essentially the user
> > is flagging the document with certain markers.
> > Another set of users could possibly
 want to query on these markers. So,
> > lets say, a second user comes along, and wants to see the top documents
> > belonging to one category, say, agriculture or farming. Since these
> markers
> > are run time activities, how can I use the facets on them? So, I was
> > envisioning facets as the various markers. But, if I constantly re-index
> or
> > update the documents whenever a marker changes, I believe it would not be
> > very efficient.
> >
> > Is there anything, facets or otherwise, in Lucene that can help me solve
> > this use case?
> >
> > Please let me know. And, thanks!
> >
> > -----------------------
 > Thanks n Regards,
> > Sandeep Ramesh Khanzode
> >
> >
> > On Friday, June 13, 2014 9:51 PM, Shai Erera <ser...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > You can check the demo code here:
> >
> >
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/branches/lucene_solr_4_8/lucene/demo/src/java/org/apache/lucene/demo/facet/
> > .
> > This code is updated with each release, so you
 always get a working code
> > examples, even when the API changes.
> >
> > If you don't mind managing the sidecar index, which I agree isn't such a
> > big deal, then yes - the taxonomy index currently performs the fastest. I
> > plan to explore porting the taxonomy-based approach from BinaryDocValues
> to
> > the new SortedNumericDocValues (coming out in 4.9) since it might perform
> > even faster.
> >
> > I didn't quite get the marker/flag facet. Can you give an example? For
> > instance, if you can model that as a NumericDocValuesField added to
> > documents (w/ the different markers/flags translated to numbers), then
> you
> > can use Lucene's updatable
 numeric DocValues and write a custom Facets to
> > aggregate on that NumericDocValues field.
> >
> > Shai
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Sandeep Khanzode <
> > sandeep_khanz...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am evaluating Lucene Facets for a project. Since there is a lot of
> > > change in 4.7.2 for Facets, I am relying on UTs for reference. Please
> let
> > > me know if there are other sources of information.
> > >
> > > I have a couple of questions:
> > >
> > > 1.] All categories in my application are flat, not hierarchical. But,
> it
> > > seems from a few sources, that even that notwithstanding, you would
> want
> > to
> > > use a Taxonomy based index for performance reasons. It is faster but
> uses
> > > more RAM. Or is the deterrent to use it is the fact that it is a
> separate
> > > data structure. If one could do with the life-cycle management of the
> > extra
> > > index, should we go ahead with the taxonomy index for better
> performance
> > > across tens of millions of documents?
 > >
> > > Another note to add is that I do not see a scenario wherein I would
> want
> > > to re-index my collection over and over again or, in other words, the
> > > changes would be spread over time.
> > >
> > > 2.] I need a type of dynamic facet that allows me to add a flag or
> marker
> > > to the document at runtime since it will change/update every time a
> user
> > > modifies or adds to the list of markers. Is this possible to do with
> the
> > > current implementation? Since I believe, that currently all faceting is
> > > done at indexing time.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks n Regards,
> > > Sandeep Ramesh Khanzode

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