I am evaluating Lucene Facets for a project. Since there is a lot of change in 
4.7.2 for Facets, I am relying on UTs for reference. Please let me know if 
there are other sources of information. 

I have a couple of questions:

1.] All categories in my application are flat, not hierarchical. But, it seems 
from a few sources, that even that notwithstanding, you would want to use a 
Taxonomy based index for performance reasons. It is faster but uses more RAM. 
Or is the deterrent to use it is the fact that it is a separate data structure. 
If one could do with the life-cycle management of the extra index, should we go 
ahead with the taxonomy index for better performance across tens of millions of 

Another note to add is that I do not see a scenario wherein I would want to 
re-index my collection over and over again or, in other words, the changes 
would be spread over time. 

2.] I need a type of dynamic facet that allows me to add a flag or marker to 
the document at runtime since it will change/update every time a user modifies 
or adds to the list of markers. Is this possible to do with the current 
implementation? Since I believe, that currently all faceting is done at 
indexing time.

Thanks n Regards,
Sandeep Ramesh Khanzode

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