Hello guys,
We currently run with Lucene 3.6 and Java6. In view of the fact that Java7 is 
soon to be deprecated, we are keen to move to Java8 and also to move to the 
latest version of Lucene. I understand Lucene 5 is coming although we are happy 
to move to 4.x as there are lots of goodies there we can use.
I seem to remember reading that certain versions of lucene were incompatible 
with some java versions although I cannot find anything to verify this. As we 
have tens of thousands of large indexes, backwards compatibility without the 
need to reindex on an upgrade is of prime importance to us.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom, or better still, pointers to some 
documentation that would be of use here? I can obviously run some tests but 
incompatibilities can be insidious and it would be good to know from the outset 
if there are any gotchas before embarking along this road.
In an ideal world we would have Java8 + lucene4.x reading a lucene3.6 index 
(that was created with Java6).
Then we would write to the lucen3.6 index using java8 and lucene4.x.
Any suggestions would be most welcome!
Many thanks,Clive

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