Hi Mik,

Michele Puccini wrote:
You make my day, Chris! (I'm using this "you make my day" idiomatic phrase
because I'm quite sure it means something like "you make my day happier with
this positive news". English is not my primary language so correct me, just
in case..).

Yes, you got it right... Unless you were going for the Clint Eastwood approach, in which case "go ahead, make my day" means something like "if you even think about trying to hurt me, I'll hurt you first" :)

Can you anticipate if will we have:

(The following notes are pretty general and apply to the OGL pipeline on all platforms. Some drivers may be less optimized than others, so your mileage may vary.)

- hw accelerated transforms (bitmap, vectors, with translucence support)

images: yes shapes: yes/no (some simple primitives can be accelerated) translucency: yes

- hw accelerated transforms (bitmap, vectors, with translucence support)
with bilinear, bicubic filtering.

bilinear: yes bicubic: no

- hw accelerated stroke/fill/paint

strokes: not yet (more work will be done in this area) solid fills: yes texture/gradient paints: yes

- hw accelerated clipping

rectangular clips: yes shape clips: yes

- hw accelerated shapes, glyphs, text

shapes: yes text: yes

- hw accelerated antialiased shapes, glyphs, text

aa shapes: sort of (at least they're faster than the existing pipelines) aa text: yes

The question is how current applications can take advantage from the new
pipeline ? Should we take a particular coding approach for pushing apps
performace to the top ?

You shouldn't have to change your app to benefit from the OGL pipeline. There are some things (not OGL-specific) that you can do to help speed up your app that are documented in our "2D Performance White Paper": http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/perf_graphics.html

If there are any tweaks that would help your code perform better on the
OGL pipeline, we'll include them in an updated version of that white paper.


Don't tell me you didn't expect my "simple" questions....



p.s. [1 April is the Fool's Day even in Italy..]

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