kirillcool.. not being obtuse. When I refer to a shape I mean the  
implementations of Shape... not the interface.. just talking generically I am 
not looking to put model info into the view.

But still,. my mistake ! Implementations of Rectangle don't have this problem, 
actually their contains() and intersects() methods work if you don't try to set 
their position by

rectangle.getBounds().setLocation(shapeLocation) which doesn't work

but use


which is where my misunderstanding started from, also on this post-

Rectangle and other Shape implementations will draw at the location specified 
if you do as above. So also with the other implementations of Shape.  So 
actually, I think, the whole problem goes away... Shapes don't have the 
problems I thought they did.

Well, there you go! I was wrong - woo hoo!
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