On Tue, 30 May 2023 14:07:05 GMT, Pavel Rappo <pra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Please review this change.
> It turns out that JavaDoc's model for overriding and inheritance for methods 
> is simplistic. As a result, it fails to accommodate upcoming changes in the 
> "method comments algorithm" and the new feature called "directed 
> documentation inheritance".
> This change aligns JavaDoc's model for overriding and inheritance for methods 
> with that of the Java Language Specification. The most important part of the 
> change pertains to overridden methods. The model now recognizes that 
> "overrides" is not a transitive relation: from the fact that A overrides B 
> and B overrides C, it does not necessarily follow that A overrides C. The 
> model also recognizes that "overrides" depends on three parameters, not two: 
> the method that overrides, the method that is being overridden, and the class 
> where the override takes place. For details, see the test that this change 
> adds: `TestMethodMembers.java`.
> Additionally, the change provides a unified query for method overrides: be it 
> defined in a class or interface, be it abstract or concrete, an overridden 
> method can be queried through a single new API method in 
> `VisibleMemberTable`: 
>     public OverrideSequence overrideAt(ExecutableElement method)
> That query accepts a method and returns a sequence of methods that the 
> accepted method overrides from the class or interface described by the 
> instance of `VisibleMemberTable` that the query has been called on. That 
> sequence is totally ordered and can be traversed in either direction.
> It's quite remarkable that there are only 2 existing tests that required some 
> adjustment after the change. However, there are approximately 250 changed 
> files in the generated JDK API Documentation (i.e. the result of `make 
> docs`). Most of them are benign or beneficial (e.g. they fix a bug). However, 
> there is at least one that will need to be fixed after the upcoming but 
> separate "directed documentation inheritance" update: 
> `java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque`.
> With this change, it takes the same time (as measured with `TIME(1)`) to run 
> the tests and produce JDK API documentation. Proper benchmarks will be done 
> later on.
> ---
> _Meanwhile, I'll try to figure out a convenient way to attach diffs for JDK 
> API Documentation to this PR._

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14221

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