Thanks a lot Joda, that clarifies it a lot more for me, but once again
I just want to make sure of something.

Is there a 'JDK 7' or only an 'Open JDK 7'? Are they one in the same
at this point in time? If there is currently only an 'Open JDK 7',
thats fine, I understand completely, but if the 'JDK 7' exists, what
the heck is it?

Sorry if this is a bit trivial, but I just want to make sure I
understand this, its very interesting!


On Apr 8, 1:26 am, JodaStephen <> wrote:
> On Apr 7, 1:24 pm, markmac <> wrote:
> > You saying that "no Java 7, only JDK 7" is what I'm not clear on
> > here... If JDK 7 is an implementation of a specification, what
> > specification is it implementing? Is it just the "Java SE platform"
> > specification? If so, why is it called "JDK 7"??
> > Also, how does project COIN fit into this?
> Open JDK 6 (the GPL version) and Sun JDK 6 (the non-GPL version) are
> implementations of the Java SE 6 platform specification (JSR-270).
> Open JDK 7 (the GPL version) is at this point what is best described
> as 'just another open source project'. Sure, its an important one, but
> it is not an implementation of any specification.
> Sun would probably like Open JDK 7 to become the reference
> implementation of the Java SE 7 platform specification. However there
> is currently no such specification, hence it has a status no more and
> no less than any other open source project.
> Sun are continuing to use the 'JDK' terminology for JDK 7 even though
> it is not an implementation of a specification. This is probably a
> practical matter, as it is the best name for the codebase (given that
> it can't be called Java SE 7, as that name specifically means the
> specification, as David indicated at the start of the thread).
> Project Coin is simply an effort to add language changes to Open JDK
> 7. Again, Sun would probably like there to be a JSR for Coin, and for
> that to feed into the Java SE 7 platform specification, however it is
> unclear if that will actually happen.
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