Has Sun ever gone on the record as to why they insist on the field-of-
use clause in the JCK?

There has been some suggestion that it's to do with protecting the
revenue stream from ME licenses. If that's the case I don't see why
they wouldn't just say so.

Dave Patterson

On Apr 5, 2:08 pm, JodaStephen <jodastep...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> To the Posse (replying to the episode),
> This is about the difference between an open specification and and
> open source implementation. The two things are different.
> Sun has successfully created OpenJDK, an open source project under the
> GPL license. This is being run in a pretty open manner and Sun should
> be praised for that.
> However, an open specification allows anyone else (other than Sun) to
> create their own implementation, one that is completely independent of
> Sun's code (and deals with IP transfer issues and compatibility
> testing amongst other issues). The name of the specification is the
> "Java SE platform" (Thus, the shorthand is "Java 7 is the spec, and
> JDK 7 is the implementation").
> At present, there is no Java SE 7 platform specification. My blogs
> have been seeking to show that until the problems Apache Harmony have
> faced are resolved, then there may well not be a Java SE 7
> specification. Hence, no "Java 7, only JDK 7".
> The question is whether the community is willing to allow Java to
> become just an implementation, rather than a specification. Amusingly,
> as an implementation without a specification, the Burton Group would
> classify OpenJDK as a "rebel framework" 
> -http://apsblog.burtongroup.com/2009/03/open-source-is-not-as-open-as-...
> Finally, to Tor. These decisions were being taken at the highest level
> in Sun. Its no great surprise that many Sun employees aren't aware of
> just how strongly Sun has been playing their hand here.
> I'm happy to be interviewed on this topic, as I'm sure would Geir (the
> official Apache representative). Although I'm a member of Apache, I've
> tried my absolute best to demonstrate the reality of the situation
> through links, each of which is worth reading for this very important
> story. In other words, I've tried to act closer to an investigative
> journalist, rather than a member of Apache for the purposes of the
> debate. I'll leave it to history to judge if I acted fairly or not.
> Stephen Colebourne
> Member, Apache Software Foundation (speaking personally - ie.
> unapproved)
> Sun Java Champion
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