This time issue is another false argument that attempts to justify
incorrect behavior - and I mean incorrect with regard to the Java

It takes a lot more time to start something from scratch than to work
with something that already exists.  I don't just mean the development
of something, but its adoption as a standard.  Unless, of course,
that's not what Jigsaw folks intend.


On Jun 20, 10:24 pm, Josh Suereth <> wrote:
> Can we stop the name-calling?   On the scala list serves, I usually reserve
> pictures of fluffy,furry, cute and cuddly kittens to help quell heated
> pointless arguments.
> If you listen to the podcast again, you'll notice they specifically say that
> they didn't feel Sun could afford the time waiting for the OSGi-alliance to
> update themselves based on Sun's requirements.  To this extent I do agree
> that Java really needs modularity.  However it is also understandable how
> this would make the OSGi camp feel.   Sun is basically saying, "Although you
> may have a good product, we can't affrod to wait around for your standards
> committee.  We're going to do what we need and let OSGi follow along."  This
> is far different from Sun's previous approaches (think EJB).
> The good news is that it sounds like the Jigsaw + OSGi folks are at least
> talking.  I don't think a merged approach to modularity will   take long to
> follow the release of JDK 7.  That is of course, assuming Jigsaw succeeds.
> I think the biggest complaint coming from OSGi users (myself included) is
> that I don't want to have to deal with the complexity of 2 modularity
> tools.  It's painful enough dealing with 2-3 different logging mechanisms
> accross 4-5 libraries.  Competition is good, but integration is hard.
> I'm just waiting for the modularity communities to start making "abstract
> modules" that define services that can be implemented by venders.   Anyone
> remember CORBA?
> - Josh

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