Alexander Egger wrote:
>> Did anyone ever try Jambi?
> I used Qt/Jambi in a Student project to develop a Breakout style game.
Qt is always good for games :-) I remember going through the cannon 
tutorial with some highschool students years ago. Teaching them C++ was 
hard, but the fact that they could write something that was fun to play 
with afterwards certainly helped. And oddly enough the two-player 
version we extrapolated from the tutorial was actually fun in a Tetris 
kind of way.
> Great performance. Nice (native) looking. Great cross platform story.
> Easy to use. Sometimes strange if comes to garbage collection.
Could you elaborate? That's the dirt I want to hear about :-)
> More or less similar to the .Net/Mono approach. Just a small layer
> over the native C++ libs (in Jambis case Qt).
> Always wondered why not more people are using it. But it seams that
> Swing or SWT are good enough in most cases.
The one big thing in favour of Swing is the cross-platform story. My 
personal feeling about SWT is that it is more of a herd-instinct than 
anything logical. I personally find it way to painful as long as there 
is no automated resource management in Java.

That's the type of problem I could see in Jambi, too: in SWT you need to 
manage all resources coming from the environment. That includes innocent 
seeming things like color objects, which need to be disposed off 
properly (i.e. in finally blocks) or you start leaking. I suspect Jambi 
might suffer from the same problem.


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