Casper Bang wrote:
> True, but I don't think many are aware of this.
Hmm.... I've used {...} liberally for scoping in Java and C++ since I 
first used C++.  It's one reason I consider C unusable even compared to 
C++'s and despite C++'s sins.
> The JDK7 proposal by
> Joshua Bloch specifically adds the multi-scoping aspect over the
> existing C# implementation, which only allows multi-scoping of the
> same type.
> Constructs that minimizes variable leakage into scope space (temporary
> variables) appeals somewhat to me, something Lombok can't possible
> address without an ElementType.TYPE_BLOCK.
> I assume this is also a major reason why certain well known people on
> the Coin mailing-list claim this should be handled in the language
> rather than by annotations. There's a profound fear of the misuse of
> annotations, though personally I consider annotation DSL burial (JPA)
> way more abusive than say Lombok.
Annotations whiich produce language-like effects, i.e. changes in the 
byte code (not just metadata) for the class in question is a slippery 
slope.  The extreme cases would generally seem to be a bad thing -- 
though it is the only way we have to (relatively) cheaply get something 
like Lombok right now.

There's a /huge /aversion to new keywords at this point and something like

    try InputStream in = new FileInputStream(path);

just doesn't look right.  Something like

    auto InputStream in = new FileInputStream(path);

might, but it's still a new keyword.

Overall, however, the point is that to eliminate the need for {...} 
bracketing where it is otherwise unnecessary, e.g.:

    auto Foo foo = new Foo();
    auto Bar bar = new Bar();
    auto Baz baz = new Baz();
    // code using vars here ...

rather than (in the one true bracing style):

    try ( Foo foo = new Foo() )
      try ( Bar bar = new Bar() )
        try ( Baz baz = new Baz() )
          // code using vars here ...

or even

    try ( Foo foo = new Foo() ) {
      try ( Bar bar = new Bar() ) {
        try ( Baz baz = new Baz() ) {
          // code using vars here ...

Jess Holle

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