Don't know what happens underneath, but they appear to be parsed by
the production rule Block -> {Statement*} and have the Tree node
associated with a hashtable that's
special in that they can be nested. That would make sense I guess,
going the other way, a member-wide variable is also contained in a
Scope with nested Scopes (methods). That's why I think it would be
possible to allow an annotation type on a block.

There are more things than just ARM you could want to do.
Transactions, logging, timing etc. As Stephen Colebourne has hinted at
in the past, one could even use it for DSL's:

@DSL(lang="jpql", variant="hibernate"){
    SELECT FROM foobar;

That would take care of the need of multi-line strings for most cases.


On 2 Sep., 03:12, Marcelo Fukushima <> wrote:
> for local variables, javac actually does almost nothin:it only frees
> that local variable slot for a future local variable
> theres a nice puzzle about that in the java specialists 
> newsletter:
> of course youre not suppose to know its about local variables and
> javac before seeing the puzzle...
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Mark Derricutt<> wrote:
> > I've always been intrigued by these blocks we have in java, what does javac
> > actually generate for them?  I'd always hoped that the closures proposals
> > might just start small and make these blocks a first class citizen.
> > From:
> > public void test() {
> >    int foo = 1;
> >    {
> >        int bar = foo + 2;
> >    }
> >    //MARK
> > }
> > to:
> > public void test() {
> >    int foo = 1;
> >    Method foobar = {
> >        int bar = foo + 2;
> >    }
> >    foobar.invoke(null);
> >    //MARK
> > }
> > *sigh* I want my closures and mixins.
> > --
> > Pull me down under...
> > Sent from Auckland, Auk, New Zealand
> > On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 5:47 AM, Reinier Zwitserloot <>
> > wrote:
> >> You can put { (statements) } anywhere in java code where a statement
> >> is legal. Like any other occurrence of {} to delimit code, any
> >> variable declarations inside the {} are not visible outside the
> >> brackets. So, this:
> --
> Marcelo Takeshi Fukushima
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