I use to always put my SQL code in specific files, because I came from ugly
Oracle SQL preprocessor where SQL and code where mixed like hell (JSP files
are the same BTW).
But, today I prefer Named Queries and/or JDBC 4.
I use to declare my ORM mapping and my Depency Injection in a separate XML
file :)
Now I used JPA and JaCaDI (JSR-299 + JSR-330)

Having the SQL query above the method that will execute is a HUGE benefit:
@SQL("select id from datastore where length > :threshold")
Collection<Long> getIdsAbove(long threshold);

Clear, easy to debug/modify/refactor and especially extremely clear usage of
what the method is doing.

It's the same for ORM and DI using Annotations vs. XML.

It's hard to have a good balance when mixing languages in the same file, but
when done right it's always a winner.
Clean injection of DSL is the good way to go.

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 3:16 AM, Casper Bang <casper.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Annotations are the recommended way however, as it facilitates
> validation. If you use em.createQuery(...) everything is late-bound
> and even less type checked than using a namedQuery. For SQL though,
> you are absolutely right but sadly SQL is no longer considered trendy.
> /Casper
> On 3 Sep., 01:53, Jess Holle <je...@ptc.com> wrote:
> > Casper Bang wrote:
> > > The issue goes a little deeper than your simple use case though. The
> > > Java enterprise world, due to the lack of expression trees, has to
> > > work with many thousands lines of embedded DSL (JPQL/HQL/SQL etc.).
> > > This poses several problems:
> >
> > > - How do you format/indent it?
> > > - How do you copy-paste between database tool and IDE?
> > > - How do you get help with the syntax?
> >
> > > By my experience, that is very much a real problem :
> >
> > > " select new com.somecompany.somexp.backend.model.ManagerInfoRecord("+
> > > "     c, b.itemNo, x )" +
> > > " from SomeEntity x" +
> > > " Join x.account a" +
> > > " Join a.baseData b" +
> > > " Join b.customer c "+
> > > " where x.state <> com.somecompany.somexp.backend.entities.SomeEntity
> > > $ReadingState.InValid " +
> > > " and (  " +
> > > "    (" +
> > > "      x.someState = com.somecompany.somexp.backend.entities.SomeEntity
> > > $someState.Valid " +
> > > "      and b.someData <> 'Y' " +
> > > "    )" +
> > > "    or  x.someOtherState =
> > > com.somecompany.somexp.backend.entities.SomeEntity
> > > $someOtherState.Valid  " +
> > > " )" +
> > > " and b.relatedEntity =:relatedEntity " +
> > > " and x.someForeignRelation <>
> > > com.somecompany.somexp.backend.entities.SomeEntity$EntityStateEnum.E
> > > "  ),
> >
> > > And that's just one small annotation query (obfuscated to protect the
> > > innocent). Fun eh? :)
> >
> > You don't embed this sort of thing.  You use getResourceAsStream() and a
> > separate file along with MessageFormat or such to perform substitutions
> > of live data if need be.
> >
> > Plain and simple.
> >
> > This also allows the IDE to do easily appropriate things for a .sql file
> > or the like.
> >
> > [In the XML sphere I'm all for sticking SVG, XSL FO, etc, directly
> > inside an XHTML document -- but this whole approach seems to be dying on
> > the vine there, even though the grammar is the same throughout all of
> > these.]
> >
> > --
> > Jess Holle
> >

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