I've not heard the latest podcast yet so I can't comment on the
balance. However in the absence of any real movement in the Java space
it must be difficult to put an hour of core Java discussion together.
I am perfectly happy to hear conversation about relevant related tech.
Android in particular - the OS and software - is for me anyway.

I think this is just one of the underlying reasons the posse dropped
to once a fortnight at the end of last year.

The other reason I will continue to listen is that, like it or not,
the posse discussions are a reflection of the discussions going on in
the IT community as a whole.

Occasionally when discussion gets heated it does sound like an old
married couple who can't settle their differences and have been
together too long...

On Jun 15, 5:02 am, RichardVowles <richard.vow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm afraid that with so much noise on the podcast (as much as Dick
> tries to deflect it) it has really becoming the "Lets talk about what
> Joe wants to talk about" posse. The latest podcast I'm afraid for me
> is the last straw, I just give up - Joe is so much noise, designer-
> speak and Apple fanboyism it simply isn't worth listening anymore -
> the other three just can't compete with it. Even interesting tech
> discussions get sidelined. I'll go find my own news from now on, I'll
> miss Dick, Tor and Carl's conversations, but will relish never
> listening to Joe speak ever again.
> I totally understand others like it the way it is, but I have just had
> enough.
> On Jun 12, 11:30 pm, Mikael Grev <mikael.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The Java Posse has as much obligation to only talk about Java as the
> > Ponytail Posse would have to only talk about ponytails (and Jonathan
> > Schwartz).
> > Things would be different if the podcast was named "The Posse that
> > talks about Java".

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