That is a bit harsh, Richard, and frankly a bit rude.  You may
certainly walk away, and to be honest that does bum us out (even me).
We know we can't please everyone, but we do honestly hope not to
deeply upset anyone.

There are many intense technical discussions about nuances of language
features, or configuration details of the latest build system, etc on
the Java Posse, and to be honest a lot of those discussions only
interest me slightly.  Sometimes an aspect will truly peak my
interest, but not all of them.  Clearly those are your favorites, and
clearly you and I are not similar.  I have written a very large amount
of software in several languages in my career, but have always
gravitated toward API design and user interface (human interaction).
Now I have found my happy place where I get to focus on user
interface, human interaction, and actual business strategy without
having to type code all day.  I work mostly in pictures - and talking
to people.

On the podcast, we talk about things that interest us - and in many
ways I feel that I'm pushing hard trying to balance discussions toward
a more rounded viewpoint.  I think folks over-react to my Apple
opinions because I am not responding from a developer-only
perspective.  I like Apple because their user experience is ground-
breaking and consistently great (not just my opinion). They're also
wildly successful in business (not just my opinion).  They don't focus
on developers as their target audience - especially not developers for
non-Apple platforms.  Their focus is on the end users.  Dick hates
Apple because they impose limits on developers on their platforms and
devices - thus he has jumped aggressively into the Android camp (even
added an Android section to the show).  I don't like how they limit
developers either, but I *understand* it quite well.  The two of us
barely overlap in these areas.  Ironically, neither side of this
debate really has anything to do with Java.  It's just what's
happening in the tech industry lately, and we find ourselves in a room
talking about it.  With a few microphones.  Note: Carl and Tor have
strong opinions on these topics too.  Mine is the highest contrast to

Perhaps you would prefer the Dick Wall show.  He is a very interesting
and quite delightful person, but as you probably have figured out, he
is a 100% heads-down developer and is maniacally passionate about his
work.  This is a wonderful thing.  I am not a fan of staying within
the myopic developer-only perspective when we discuss things, because
then you essentially aren't actually understanding the issues at
hand.  Weird analogy:  it's like trying to build a beautiful house out
of playing cards, while unaware that you're on top of the mast of a
small sail boat.  There are many very important forces at work that
you *should* consider to be successful, but of course you don't have

So - any tension folks feel between Dick and myself is simply a
reflection of our differing core interests.  I think Dick is one of
the nicest guys on the planet, but we certainly don't see eye-to-eye
on many of the issues in the technology world today.  You clearly are
more aligned with Dick Wall's viewpoints - so great.  He's a great guy
to be aligned with.

If Dick Wall wanted to make this the Dick Wall show (which I'd say the
Java Posse is about 80-90% of today), he's a guy with enough drive and
skill to totally pull it off.  If I were to make a Joe Nuxoll show (no
chance), I'd want Dick on it - but I'd make sure he was open to
talking about things from more than the developer-only viewpoint.

Deeper question:  Should the Java Posse podcast be a developer-
perspective only show?  I already know your vote, Richard.

 - Joe

On Jun 14, 9:02 pm, RichardVowles <> wrote:
> I'm afraid that with so much noise on the podcast (as much as Dick
> tries to deflect it) it has really becoming the "Lets talk about what
> Joe wants to talk about" posse. The latest podcast I'm afraid for me
> is the last straw, I just give up - Joe is so much noise, designer-
> speak and Apple fanboyism it simply isn't worth listening anymore -
> the other three just can't compete with it. Even interesting tech
> discussions get sidelined. I'll go find my own news from now on, I'll
> miss Dick, Tor and Carl's conversations, but will relish never
> listening to Joe speak ever again.
> I totally understand others like it the way it is, but I have just had
> enough.
> On Jun 12, 11:30 pm, Mikael Grev <> wrote:
> > The Java Posse has as much obligation to only talk about Java as the
> > Ponytail Posse would have to only talk about ponytails (and Jonathan
> > Schwartz).
> > Things would be different if the podcast was named "The Posse that
> > talks about Java".

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