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On 6/15/10 23:49 , Jan Goyvaerts wrote:
> They surely did something good ! :-) Our profession often requires
> a certain emotional involvement. For some being more than for
> others. And sometimes that's difficult to understand to outsiders
> (personal opinion again). It's the spirit I think was present in
> Sun : an enterprise for developers by developers. Oracle is an
> enterprise for customers by sales reps. Not for geeky nerds !
> Business is for serious people ! :-)
> As long as opinions are expressed in a non-offensive and
> non-personal way, I think there's nothing wrong with telling what
> you think.
I am emotionally involved too - never been a Sun employee, but I've
been a consultant since 1998 and I did a lot of things together with
Sun personnel; I learned a lot from them and did - among other things
- - some pretty cool projects.

Sun and Oracle are somewhat antipodal; cool but money-loser the
former, wealthy but somewhat boring the latter. What will be the
result of the buy? We don't know, but I think it will be something in
the middle. Perhaps will it be too on the boring side? Maybe, but we
don't know. It's the first time that Oracle bough a corporate with
such a strong personality as Sun and something new could happen. I
think we have to give Oracle the necessary time to evolve before
judging them negatively. Merging processes such as those involving
such big corporates are slow, much slower that we expect - e.g. recall
that in some countries Sun is still a separate entity - and I'm
personally suspending any judgement - just evaluating what's
happening. A good moment for a first evaluation would be JavaOne in
september, and another one at the beginning of 2011, one year after
the event.

- -- 
Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people
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