I don't find Java all that complex.  I really dislike its syntax
because I prefer more verbose and readable programming languages, but
it's got other virtue I absolutely love.

The complexity is in the problems we're attacking, people!

If there's a complaint to be made, it's that Java might be reaching
its limit in terms of its ability to effectively address the
complexities we are now encountering in our problem domains.  I don't
really believe it, but you could say it.

I think a key problem is that we're rushing our work too much.  I
think we're more productive because of Java, but what are we
producing?  No requirements, little design, lots of busy.

On Jul 25, 5:23 am, Phil <p...@surfsoftconsulting.com> wrote:
> 'Complex and unproductive' - a perfectly defensible position for
> 'smaller' systems (by this I mean single box order of magnitude).
> However this seems to me to be simply repeating the Microsoft mantra
> around .Net being quick and easy to develop in. When you start looking
> at large systems, systems that must scale out and reliably support
> high transaction rates, development is complex in any language.
> I don't regard Java as intricate or verbose. Flexible, yes. Well-
> designed components with properly assigned responsibilities are
> anything but. In my experience, code that can be described as
> intricate and verbose - in any language - has inherent design flaws.
> Bearing in mind I've earned money writing Pascal, 68000 assembly,
> Fortran, Cobol, C and Java I can't think back to a single situation
> where intricacy or verbosity can be laid anywhere than at the door of
> the developer.
> A fairer appraisal would be to say that Java is a flexible language
> with deep support across the enterprise stack that can be applied in
> practically any business scenario and runtime environment. Newer JVM
> languages such as Scala are a powerful addition - they provide real
> benefits in terms of simplifying the expression of a problem/solution
> but do so in a runtime environment that allows them to easily re-use
> the large pool of Java code that is already out there. If they are
> truly simpler then they are so because they have sacrificed a degree
> of granularity, or the ability to address specific problem spaces.
> Imagine writing a new language that was not dependent on the JVM. Now
> take that and make it a JVM based language. Which is more powerful?
> JVM languages like Scala have taken off quickly because of the depth
> of support behind them in the shape of millions of lines of reusable
> Java. I expect the good JVM languages to start cropping up more in the
> business domain of the solution while Java will continue to be the
> dominant language in the underlying architecture. A bit like how we
> used to drop to assembly language when our C code wasn't sufficiently
> granular or plan fast enough.
> On Jul 24, 10:06 am, Blanford <euroscript...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=10/07/23/1838243
> > I have wondered this for years, how Java could be the language of
> > choice for web application design.
> > Java is so much more complex and unproductive compared to a language
> > like Python.
> > This adds up to time and money.
> > If I ran a business I would definitely use Java as little as possible.
> > snydeq writes
> > "Google distinguished engineer Rob Pike ripped the use of Java and C++
> > during his keynote at OSCON, saying that these 'industrial programming
> > languages' are way too complex and not adequately suited for today's
> > computing environments. 'I think these languages are too hard to use,
> > too subtle, too intricate. They're far too verbose and their subtlety,
> > intricacy and verbosity seem to be increasing over time. They're
> > oversold, and used far too broadly,' Pike said. 'How do we have stuff
> > like this [get to be] the standard way of computing that is taught in
> > schools and is used in industry? [This sort of programming] is very
> > bureaucratic. Every step must be justified to the compiler.' Pike also
> > spoke out against the performance of interpreted languages and dynamic
> > typing."

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