I guess that means this suit is a tacit admission of J2ME's failure.  Can't 
innovate? -- sue then!


From: mP <miroslav.poko...@gmail.com>
To: The Java Posse <javaposse@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 5:27:31 AM
Subject: [The Java Posse] Re: What could Oracle possibly be scheming?

Its pretty obvious that Oracle wants to get some of its "investment"
back and what could be better/easier than suing Google who
coincidently has a lot of money and a major interest in the Java
platform. One of the worst things any business can suffer is fear of
uncertainty and potential legal problems. In this case Google has
invested significant money in bringing the Android platform from the
initial buy to what it is today. Its obviously a vital part of their
strategy for attracting business for purposes of advertising. If
anybody thinks of an alternative instead of Android is amounts to loss
advertising potential for Google using its internet real estate.

My view is Oracle obviously want a part of this pie and what better
way that asking Google to settle for some out of court yearly
licensing thing. Given J2ME is a fading platform and manufacturers now
turn to Android as their preferred third party application platform,
its obvious Oracle might be disappointed of this, as part of the $7B
was for J2ME. After all Oracle must be saying why let this
"alternative" take advantage of my "Java" platform, and naturally they
are sticking their hand out. It will be surprising if Oracle do not
find other areas to annoy Google with in the future if this initial
attempt fail. Imagine that money is not the solution, how can Google
stop infringing on these patents other than closing down Android. Its
not like the patents are some small isolated component of the stack,
any software solution would require some work which would no doubt
stall Android for at least a few months.

Reflecting back, Google should have just bought Sun for Java. This
would have been $7B well spent. If they sold off the other Sun assets
that figure would have been significantly reduced, lets say a wishful
half. The amount of money that Google spent researching via lawyer
advice, the continued costs of this case and potential future cases
and any possible licensing will continue to grow and may at some time
pass that magic $7B. I wonder how much money they have spent on
lawyers hoping that this day will not come, and how much this thorn
will continue to cost.

If i were Google I would fire whoever said to buy Sun was a bad idea.
At worst they would have received a great asset in becoming the new
guardian of Java the platform. At best they could have introduced GAE
not as a Google product but as say the reference implementation of the
Java Cloud Edition. JCE and other releated java standards could be
crafted specifically best fit Googles needs a bit like why Microsoft
created dot net. Microsoft created dot net so they could make the
platform fit their jewel Windows. Windows has COM and it makes sense
to make COM and family first class citizens something it would never
be in Java.

Another lesson they should have learned is that its never a good idea
to rely on somebody else for a core part of your platform. It could be
argued one possible reason that Apple did not allow anything but
Objective C and C was they did not want to be at the mercy of somebody
else changing the rules for Java or dot net. Apple pretty much owns
and controls the entire Ios stack, they dont just license ARM CPU
designs, they own half of it. At all major levels of their solution
they are the one who controls the direction, at not at the mercy of
someone else setting the direction. This was demonstrated with their
new A4 chip, they designed and built what they need. Microsoft is also
self sufficient, no need to worry about JSRS they produce products
that are the standards of the dot net platform. All the major
components of what we call J2EE they defined and released products.
Many are just wrappers around what they have. Their widget toolkit
(WCF - sorry the exact name escapes me) is just a wrapper around
Windows - its not an attempt to make something new and better but
firstly a wrapper.

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