On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 09:27, Steven Herod <steven.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, in all of this, we're absolutely certain no former
> Sun engineers, fresh from patenting a concept at Sun (or working on
> said patented code) moved to Google and reimplemented the same thing
> the same way?

This is irrelevant. That's the beauty of patents. Google could have
imported engineers from Mars with no prior knowledge of any VM
implementation techniques. If they independently came to the solutions
covered by Oracle's patents, they'd still have to pay.

So, boys and girls, before you write your next line of code, make sure
to consult all potentially relevant patent registries.  Ignorance is
no defense. The fact that patents are written in impenetrable legalese
is no defense. The fact that it's often unclear if a patent even
applies until it's been tested in court is no defense. The fact that
testing said patent in court costs more than most mortals can afford
is also no defense. Happy hacking!

(Software patents make me grumpy.)

// Ben

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