Not that what you suggest does not make sense, but JAX-RS does provide
amazing Rest support. I can imagine a custom made language being a little
easier to use than Java + JAX-RS but not that much better.

Perhaps the question really is: what should be the most important trait to
add to a new language that will help developers? I personally believe that
design patterns would make the difference to switching to the next language.
Scala has taken a great attempt at it, but a good question is - is a better
language possible?

Founder, Architexa :: 617.818.0548 - Know Your Code

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Ruben Reusser <> wrote:

> ...
> Say for example if the language helps you to write restfull services that
> can easily be integrated with each other and where the UI can be easily
> merged for multiple applications we could potentially start building larger
> applications where we have the ability to reuse application blocks and
> create bigger applications faster.

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